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Sunday, April 14, 2019

I'm Not Afraid - That's Why I'm a Liberal

I have to start this with a concept that I’ve found to be true in every case. Fear is the base of all anger. I call myself a pagan priest because I am a devoted pagan and people talk to me. People from all walks of life just come up to me and start telling me about what moves them, what hurts them, what has them angry and or afraid. I get a lot of insight and sometimes, I even get the joy that comes when they listen as I give them my thoughts back. Sometimes I can help.

I don’t know about you, but I couldn't have made it out of childhood without a very real and visceral understanding of the conservative mind. They were my parents, my childhood friends- many of my teachers in the seventies were liberal, but not all.  I was exposed to both sides. It was hard to go home singing “If I had a hammer” in the first grade only to be told, “Don’t let your dad hear you singing that stuff.  You know what he’ll do to you if he does!” by a whispering mom. There was this ever present dichotomy and I have the kind of mind that worries at things, trying to understand why they are and how they work. I came down, as I had to, on the liberal side of things. That’s my nature; there is a reason I am a healer who doesn't make money a requirement for what I do. I’d never let money get in the way of helping someone. That would be a betrayal of what I believe in.

You see, I’m a liberal because I am not afraid, and my life has shown me that conservatives are conservatives because the world scares the daylights out of them.

As I understand it, the very concept of modern conservatism is grounded in fear.

The elites saw the upheaval brought about by people no longer willing to live under brutal, one sided systems and they decided that IF change HAD to come, then it needed to be slowed down, administered- but their basic “Id” really wanted no change to happen. “If it ain't broke, don’t fix it!” is an excellent bromide for the masses if you’re rich, in power and wanting to stay that way. Or even just damned afraid that those pushing for progressive change would make all of that go away for you, personally. Fear is anger.

I can look at what my father was angry about to see exactly what he was afraid of.  I can do this because I grew up in his very opinionated house. I can point to the anger that my brothers soaked up like little sponges and pluck out the fear that is driving their rage.

They not only fear change, they fear all the results of change. They fear they will do worse under any new changes and that makes them angry! Why should they risk it, is how they see it.

And I think that’s why I’m a liberal. I’m not afraid of a whole lot of things. Now, I’m not one of those people who fear nothing.  That’s a medical condition that I know exists and not much more. I fear for my children, family and friends in an uncertain world and those situations can make me angry too. I’m no saint. I know that anger alone will not assuage my fear, nor will it fix the underlying causes of it. No, I need solutions, not gibbering, slavering hate- no matter how powerful that makes a person feel in the moment, that can’t work for me and it cannot bring about good solutions to complicated situations. So, I have my fears.  I do indeed.

But I don’t fear my neighbor! I’m not afraid that my neighbor, whether she is black, brown, yellow, white, red or whatever blended shade in between, is going to make my life worse by her presence. I don’t fear that her husband or wife will move into my community and marginalize me. I believe in synergy and goodness and I believe she and her family are already my family and together- we’re all just stronger and better.

I’m not afraid of being called gay; I’m not afraid of somebody thinking I am. Another person’s sexuality doesn't frighten me in any way unless it hurts other people or comes close to touching kids. I strongly feel that love is the most precious gift a human can receive and when it is found, it should never be turned away. I’m not afraid of you if you were born in the wrong body.  What is a body but a shell anyway?

Let’s sit and talk for awhile: show me your soul and I’ll show you mine.  That’s how we dispel fear. I believe people have a duty to try and find happiness in this world and I’m not afraid to hope you and everyone else achieve that.

I’m not afraid of job losses due to new technology. I’m a liberal, in part, because I embrace new technology. I want a world that is clean and beautiful and fairly safe and the old ways can’t give us that- I’m not afraid I won’t make it in a world without loud motors and oil stinking heaters. I’m not afraid of that change; I embrace it and think it can’t get here soon enough. I’m not afraid that you’ll think I’m not a man because the car under my behind is quiet and doesn't stink. Personally, I’m looking forward to a quieter, better smelling world and your fragile ego shouldn't be allowed to stop that.

I’m not afraid that if we make health care available to everyone, really, everyone, that “My” monies paid into that system will go to help people I don’t think should get help. They don’t exist; I think anyone should be able to get help at need; I believe taking that step right there would alleviate many of our current problems.
And before you try to tell me that humans would never think that way, let me remind you that I grew up among them. I’ve heard way too many say, “I’ll be damned if I pay for them XXXXXXXXXXXXs to see a doctor! I pay for me and mine; they can pay for theirs! Why, charity begins at home!” and that we are denying people refuge right now because they have the wrong skin color and accent according to some Americans. Not all of us, but too many by far. Charity begins at home becomes a justification for greed when you don’t start by being charitable at home or anywhere else.

I’m not afraid that helping anyone will make my life worse.  I believe that when my neighbor is doing well, the chances that I’m doing well rise.

I’m not afraid of walking around without a gun. I’ve been all over this world, talked to people from everywhere; my line of work was security and aside from my time in the military, I’ve never needed a weapon. I’ve used my mind and my mouth to make things turn out alright. Maybe that’s why conservatives buy so much body armor and want to live in “Fortress America”, though? They’re afraid of what’s on the slate anyway. Death comes for us all; accept it with some grace- believe me, when it’s your time, your Ar-15 and some Kevlar isn't going to keep death at bay. Live and die with dignity.

I’m not afraid your religion or lack thereof is going to affect me in any way. I’m not afraid that if you don’t believe in my Gods, why, you’ll make me lesser than you or beat me up because I’m different. I’m not afraid of that because I wouldn't let you do that to me anyway. Life is about learning lessons, and living as you see fit.

Believing as you believe no matter what they threaten you with is a much larger and worthy lesson than the one you learn by letting evil have it’s way in exchange for a faux peace. You might kill me; you’ll never force me to your ways.

I’m not afraid that if we aren't actively and aggressively prosecuting wars first, that others will prosecute them against us. I don’t believe in hitting first, ever. I believe in defensive capabilities and I believe we should be able to project power to help- but only to help. I do not believe America should ever start a war of aggression; I don’t think our collective ego needs that.

I am not afraid that if women, black people or “ANYBODY NOT LIKE MY KIND” (Primal scream and gasp) get power over me that I will suffer. I don’t share the revenge mindset. I’m not afraid they will use that newfound power to pay “Us” back for all that has gone before and everything I might do in the future. That is, to me, a very craven world view but it does exist; some people hold it, they fear that but it’s too small for me. I’ll not be shrugging into that coat no matter how often they scream at me that I’m in danger.

I feel that those people, sisters or brothers, who will assuredly come into power in the coming America want to move forward as I do. They want to progress, if you will, to create a world that is more liberal for everyone. Liberal, liberate, from the ancient root liber- forgive me my musing, but the word just fits. Free, and yes, I want a more free nation and a freer world with free peoples all over it’s face. I feel that will benefit all of us.

I’m a liberal because I’m not afraid of the world that’s coming. I’m a liberal because efforts to keep us in a world that no longer works for all of us, is actually endangering all of us, make me angry. And I’ll admit it is because I fear what those people will cause with their chains of fear. I won’t let their personal shackles screw it all up for everyone.

I’m a liberal because I feel love and hope, not hate and humiliation.

I understand that my father and his cronies would have guffawed and told me in no uncertain terms that I was too optimistic- “You liberals, you don’t know how the world works, boy!” I’m no longer a boy and I believe I do.  I believe we shape how this world works and I’ll keep my optimism and hope while y’all hold onto your pessimism, despair and yes, fear.

I’m a liberal because I believe we are in the process, right now, of building that better nation and that we have to push right through that conservative bloc to get there- because this time for them is existential and they know it. Fear is always anger- we need to break the chain they hope to bind us with and actually, I think we’re doing it. We can’t let their fears hold us back, no matter how angry they are- they’re always angry, they always will be because they will not let go of their most cherished fears.

I’m a liberal because that won’t ever rub off on me!

With that, happy Sunday to all of you and keep fighting the good fight!

We have a world to build.


Cross posted from Kell's World 

This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member.

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