As Malcolm Nance and others have warned, Russia's interference in the 2016 election and likely infiltration of Trump's inner circle could be one of the worst intelligence disasters in American history, a failure of Benedict Arnold or Rosenberg proportions.
Let me be very clear and quotable about this. At an absolute minimum, Donald Trump has divided loyalties, and the evidence we already have suggests that Donald Trump is a traitor. In fact, I would say that the evidence we already have, the public materials such as emails for example, strongly indicate that Donald Trump is a traitor. However, I don't even think he understands what he's done.
Treason is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution, which states: “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
In this context, Trump’s “adhering” to enemies, the Russians, means
he represented them, he conspired with them, when they attacked
American representative democracy in the 2016 election.
Trump gave aid and comfort to Putin and his cohorts’ as they were attacking the Unites States. They aided Putin’s conspiracy to destroy representative democracy in America.
As described by K.T. McFarland, Trump officials were well aware that Russia threw the election to Trump. Donald Jr emails proved they were aware and supported it, itself proof of their involvement in the conspiracy, if only by not alerting the FBI of it.
Trump gave aid and comfort to Putin and his cohorts’ as they were attacking the Unites States. They aided Putin’s conspiracy to destroy representative democracy in America.
As described by K.T. McFarland, Trump officials were well aware that Russia threw the election to Trump. Donald Jr emails proved they were aware and supported it, itself proof of their involvement in the conspiracy, if only by not alerting the FBI of it.
On Dec. 29, a transition adviser to Mr. Trump, K. T. McFarland, wrote in an email to a colleague that sanctions announced hours before by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russian election meddling were aimed at discrediting Mr. Trump’s victory. The sanctions could also make it much harder for Mr. Trump to ease tensions with Russia, “which has just thrown the U.S.A. election to him,” she wrote in the emails obtained by The Times.
Trump’s co-conspirators worked with Putin’s security services to cut out the roots what makes America great: American democracy.
They conspired with Russians to throw the American election. It is simply the most insidious attack on our country ever.
David Cay Johnson is a seasoned reporter who has covered Trump for 30 years claims (at top blockquote) that publicly-available evidence shows Trump is a traitor.
Presumably he is referring to Trump Jr’s “I love it” and other email communications showing Trump campaign collusion with Russia.
The bottom line: Mr Johnson says the 2018 election is the most important election since the civil war; it will define whether Americans move toward tyranny or maintain our representative democracy:
Democrats must clearly state what we are for in order for us to save our country.
They conspired with Russians to throw the American election. It is simply the most insidious attack on our country ever.
David Cay Johnson is a seasoned reporter who has covered Trump for 30 years claims (at top blockquote) that publicly-available evidence shows Trump is a traitor.
Presumably he is referring to Trump Jr’s “I love it” and other email communications showing Trump campaign collusion with Russia.
The bottom line: Mr Johnson says the 2018 election is the most important election since the civil war; it will define whether Americans move toward tyranny or maintain our representative democracy:
Democrats must clearly state what we are for in order for us to save our country.
I suspect Trump and Republicans are plotting how to influence the 2018 elections, whether with war or some sort of Reichstag Fire incident or massive civil disturbance before 2018 elections: regular election interference and vote suppression, while it will be in full effect as usual, will not be enough. Maybe the traitorous conspiractors are plotting a terrorist attack as we speak.
No matter what, Americans who love our Republic, across the political spectrum, must come together to save our country from the traitorous Republican conspirators who only represent themselves and their stateless corporate supporters.
Petty fiefdom arguments must give way to saving our country.
What Republicans have done in their lust for power IS treason. They have condoned their rabid base supporters’ domestic terrorist attacks in their typical complacent way, for example by not doing ANYTHING on the federal level about school shootings, election intimidation and on and on. They have used Fox News to cover for these insidious acts that has brewed such a toxic political environment.
These Republican conspirators are themselves traitors.
This sounds like accurate description to the aftermath of Donald Trump presidency:
There is no good ending to the story. America will survive this, we'll get past it, but whenever Trump leaves, there's no good ending. If Trump is removed by impeachment or by the voters, whether in a Republican primary or a general election, I know what he will do. He's already told us what he will do by his actions. Trump will spend the rest of his days fomenting violence and revolution in this country.
The bolded above: I believe this is Mueller’s plan, probably by late summer or early fall. And Trump knows it.He's be careful not to directly say "revolution," but he will call the government illegitimate. He might even call it criminal, since he called Democrats who didn't stand up during his State of the Union speech treasonous. If they're going to impeach Trump, I believe they have to have a plan to indict, try, convict and imprison him. But Trump will be a role model for some people and there may well be violence over it.
We The People must stand up for our country. It is under attack.
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