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Thursday, March 25, 2010

PERSPECTIVE on the health care bill

PERSPECTIVE IS A NEW BLOG FEATURE that puts the stuff we're hearing and reading into, well, perspective.

According to a new Gallup poll, 49 percent of American adults considered passage of the health care bill a "good thing," while 40 percent said it was a "bad thing."


dc said...

Using Statistics Bullwinkle proved that the state of Texas was bigger than the USA! Depends who did the polling and who (supposed) answered, truth can be perverted to serve the means to a fatal end.

The majority of American's are not Communist, just the unlearned.

Cowboytoo said...

It will NOT be known whether this law is a great thing or a terrible thing for quite some time. ANY speculation by either side is purely that - speculation.

IF things go as President Obama and most Democrats predict -and are counting on - this will be monumental in addressing many negative factors and installing a very positive platform for providing fair, bacic coverage for most Americans and reducing overall costs. Cost reduction is key. If this accomplishes good coverage with cost reduction, it will be the best we could possibly hope for. If, however, costs continue to rise astronomically with little assistance to those who need it most, it will be a disaster.


Yelling and screaming and shooting up offices of Democrats and Republicans and calling for the asassination of our President and making serious threats of government overthrow only make things FAR WORSE.
If you think things are bad now, imagine a nation in anarchy with gangs ruling local territories burning and looting and destroying any sign of soveriegnty.

Do you think the fringe "Right" is the only one ruled by emotion?

We HAVE to learn to "get along". Otherwise we encourage Armegeddon.

There needs to be a place where all advocates of total warfare can go and resolve their differences.
(Kill,each other off, if you like.)
To pull everyone else into that fight is unconsciencable.
This is a hot topic, but we have survived worse, and it should be resolved in the American Way.

Anonymous said...

The rest of the story quoted from

USA Today/Gallup asked whether Americans thought "it was a good thing or a bad thing that Congress passed this bill."

This question concentrated on the passage of the bill, not the contents of the bill. Since Americans generally like to see their leaders take action, it's not surprising that this wording produced the highest positive response - 49 percent who approved of the 'passage' of the bill. The Gallup poll indicates that four in 10 say passage of the bill was a bad thing.

CBS asked what Americans thought of "the current health care reform bill." Quinnipiac asked what Americans thought of "the changes in health care passed by Congress." These questions concentrated on the 'contents' of the bill. CBS indicated 42 percent approving of the bill; Quinnipiac indicated 40 percent approval. Forty-six percent of those questioned in the CBS poll disapproved of the bill, with 49 percent of those questioned by Quinnipiac disapproving of the legislation.

Unknown said...

This is no time to fight amongst ourselves. It's time to help one another. I found this online when I searched for "percentage of uninsured americans". I copied and pasted it.

More Americans Went Uninsured in 2009 Than in 2008. Increase in number without health insurance spans across demographic groups by Elizabeth Mendes WASHINGTON, D.C. -- "While President Obama works with House and Senate leaders to hammer out a final healthcare bill before the State of the Union address, the legislation's goal of expanding coverage to the uninsured will need to cover a larger pool of Americans who are without health insurance. According to the Gallup Healthways Well-Being Index, an average of 16.2% of American adults lacked health insurance coverage in 2009, up from 14.8% in 2008.

The number of uninsured was generally below 15% in 2008 until it began to increase in November of that year, coincident with the worst of the economic crisis. With some month-to-month fluctuations, the number of uninsured Americans has remained elevated since that time. Gallup and Healthways ask at least 1,000 Americans, aged 18 and older, each day if they have health insurance coverage. Each monthly average encompasses approximately 30,000 interviews. The yearly averages from 2008 and 2009 consist of approximately 350,000 interviews each.

Demographics of the Uninsured

Hispanics continue to be among the most likely demographic segment of the adult population to be uninsured, with 39.9% reporting in 2009 that they are without healthcare coverage, up from 37.0% in 2008, and more than double the current national average. Along with Hispanics, Americans aged 18 to 29 (28.4%) and those with yearly incomes of less than $36,000 (29.3%) rank among the segments of the population most likely to be uninsured, as they did in 2008. However, in 2009, the proportion of low-income Americans who are uninsured exceeded the proportion of those aged 18 to 29 who lack health insurance after both groups were equally likely to be uninsured in 2008."

James Keyworth said...

I love our readers -- because of rationale, well thought out comments like all of the above. No matter what side you're on, you resisted the temptation to throw a "brick" at the blog by resorting to name calling and bigotry as so many in the country are doing. Thank you. I always knew our readers were the smart ones in the Rim Country.
Jim Keyworth

James Keyworth said...

I love our readers -- because of rational, well thought out comments like all of the above. No matter what side you're on, you resisted the temptation to throw a "brick" at the blog by resorting to name calling and bigotry as so many in the country are doing. Thank you. I always knew our readers were the smart ones in the Rim Country.
Jim Keyworth

Anonymous said...

You can say that again. :)

I'm one of the ones who disapproves of HOW the bill was passed, while general being supportive of the INTENT of the bill.

I can't speak to its content because that seems to be largely a big mystery, unfortunately even to those who voted on it, which is why I disapprove of HOW it was passed. Too much vote-buying and too many people voting without knowing exactly what it would do.

I agree, statistics are only meaningful if you know the context in which the statistics were developed. Anyone can skew a poll by how they word the questions and what choices of answers are offered.