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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Notorious gasbag Donald Trump takes aim at nemesis—the "bullshit" wind

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Republican presidential Trump: "Put up your dukes, wind.  I'm comin' for ya."

Donald Trump held a rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, where he attacked the wind and called it “bullshit.”

Trump’s rally rant, filled with all of the lies, misinformation, and general self-pitying grievances we have come to expect, reached a new level of bonkers when the convicted felon got to his favorite subject: windmills.

“They're falling down,” Trump explained. “They're all over the place. They're all over the place. The gorgeous, beautiful Pennsylvania countryside. They got these big ugly suckers hanging down there, rusting and rotting.” He added that most windmills were spinning slowly or not at all.

“You know, the environmentalists say it's also, very importantly, the most expensive form of energy there is. You cannot get more expensive,” Trump said, which isn’t true at all. Studies show that renewable energy plants like sun and wind are far more cost effective than coal-powered plants 99% of the time. 

Trump bypassed his standard attack on windmills being bird killers in order to voice an even larger grievance: the wind itself!

“The wind, the wind. It sounds so wonderful,” Trump meandered on. “The wind, the wind, the wind is, the wind is bullshit. I'll tell you. It's horrible.” 

Trump followed up this terrible haiku by doing another well-worn windmill story about a couple that cannot watch TV at night because there is no wind. “You remember when I used to say, ‘Darling, I want to watch our president tonight on television,’ and the husband looks, ‘I'm sorry, dear, but the windmills aren't wind. There's no wind tonight.’”

He did say “the windmills aren’t wind.” Just remember, this could be our next president, so vote accordingly.

It's a fat bird.  It's a grotesque plane.  It's blubber-butt the windmill slayer.

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