In the short clip below, Trump is asked how he feels watching children run from tear gas. His answer is that of a monster.

At the end of the clip, Trump adds:
“And I think the funding the Wall has never looked better—never looked better.”Wait. Was tear-gassing these innocent children and families all just a stunt to justify and find his estimated $70 billion piece of shit wall?
There comes a time when liberals, Democrats, and every compassionate human being in this country, must realize we can put nothing past him. There is no such thing as a “conspiracy theory” when it comes to Trump, because he’s capable of anything. He’s a walking conspiracy. He doesn’t surprise anymore. He just compounds his own disgusting being.
I’ve experienced tear gas. It happened when I was reporting and protesting on the streets of Washington D.C. during Trump’s inauguration. It was like a war-zone that day—dark, sinister and almost surreal. Too little of it was shown on television. The powerful and frightening sounds of smoke bombs and tear gas went off everywhere.
Then the booms got closer and the crowd of protestors I was with began to flee. I suddenly knew why. The smoke and gas burned, blinded and gave me a feeling of suffocation. There was a brief sense that I’d die if I didn’t get away. Some protestors with scarves around their nose and mouth had gallons of milk they were passing around and told us to take a swig to ease the burning throats. They’d already anticipated what would happen because they’d been doing this a while—along with others around the world who fight for good.
There were no milk or scarves for the border children and families. The fact that children and babies were experiencing the same kind fear and pain, all coming from a country “big and powerful,” is as hideous, atrocious and sad as it is unconscionable.
As Trump, whom I could safely say has never have experienced tear gas, sat pompously in his chair during the press conference with the American flag and emblems of democracy behind him, he spat not only on the suffering immigrants—he also spat on this country.
It’s believed by some that Robert Mueller is waiting for the new House majority to be sworn in this upcoming January so his Special Counsel report can be more safely delivered. Trump will be exposed more than we can imagine (and we can imagine a lot). It is then that the House Democrats will finally have the ability to start impeachment proceedings.
Trump will fall hard one day soon. Evil always does. And for lack of a better expression, that day can’t come too soon.
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