Senator Elizabeth Warren is perfecting the art of the stump speech. (photo: People Magazine)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the Teacher, Reminds Democrats That 'Rally' Is a Verb
01 November 14
At this rally, the joke didn’t even make a lot of
sense. It is a gag written for big rooms — for the college lecture halls
that Warren has been filling as a guest speaker for Democratic
candidates this year. But on this day in New Hampshire, the crowd was
small. The “back row” was only about 20 feet away. They could definitely
hear her.
Warren used the joke anyway. The point is not the joke — the point is the word “schoolteacher.”
Every bit of Warren’s 17-minute stump speech is
designed to do a job, and the job of this section is — in speechwriter
lingo — to “establish bio.” It reminds people that once (actually, about
43 years ago), Warren
worked with children at an elementary school. With that word, she
locates herself inside the middle-class audience she intends to
Warren — a second-year senator from Massachusetts who
is not up for reelection — might be one of the few Democrats in the
nation who are enjoying 2014. She has been invited to rallies for
candidates in six states, even in conservative places such as Kentucky,
where on Tuesday night she campaigned with Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes.
One secret of Warren’s success has been her mastery of
an old political art: the stump speech. Other Senate Democrats, after
years on the defensive, have been trained to give mumbly attack speeches
focusing mainly on what their opponents get wrong. Warren, by contrast,
uses old rhetorical tricks to sweep her audience into a celebration of
what she says Democrats get right.
Warren’s speech might not win any elections this year, but it certainly seems more fun for people in the back row.
“So, this is a rally? Let’s rally for a minute. Let’s
remind ourselves what we get out there and fight for,” she told the
small crowd in New Hampshire. And she started in with a kind of credo,
reciting the things they all believed together. “We believe we need more
restraints on Wall Street.”
“Woo!” said the crowd.
“Yeah!” said the senator from Massachusetts. “Woo!”
Warren, 65, grew up in small-town Oklahoma, and became
a Harvard law professor studying bankruptcy and why so many Americans
fall into it. That work drove her to become an activist, trying to
protect people from predatory practices at big banks. That activism
eventually made her famous, as a tough-talking founder of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
At Warren events, there are often groups of “Ready for
Warren” supporters, who want her to run for president in 2016. She has
not publicly indicated an interest.
But Warren has been a politician only since 2011, when she began her campaign to unseat Scott Brown (R).
At times, it still appears that she’s adjusting to the task of visiting
strange states and haranguing strangers about how to vote.
At one campaign event with Shaheen, the stage was hung
with two New Hampshire flags. The opening act was a local hip-hop trio,
who rapped a near-endless song about . . . New Hampshire (“You can drive Mount Washington/ hike up Mount Monadnock./In 1787, we invented the alarm clock”).
Then Warren came out and forgot what state she was in.
“The people of Massachusetts are not taking Scott
Brown!” she told the crowd. Shaheen is running against the very same
Scott Brown, who has relocated to his vacation home in the Granite
State. “They’re taking Jeanne Shaheen.”
There was some awkward clapping.
“Massachusetts didn’t want him,” Shaheen said, saving
the moment. “And we don’t want him either.” (Warren flubbed a New
Hampshire reference again Tuesday, saying during an appearance on “The
View” that Shaheen is “out there working for the people of Vermont.”)
But on most days, Warren’s stump speech is one of the
best in the Democratic Party. Aides say she has honed it and memorized
it over the course of three years, adding and refining its main pieces.
One of the oldest pieces is the schoolteacher joke, which dates to her
campaign against Brown.
One of the newer pieces is the disclaimer, which Warren has used in her swings through conservative-leaning states this year.
“Look, Jeanne and I don’t agree on every issue,” Warren said in New Hampshire.
“I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again: Alison and I don’t agree on everything,” Warren said in Louisville on Tuesday night.
The idea is to reassure voters that these Democrats
aren’t Massachusetts Democrats and that they might not share Warren’s
more liberal views on guns and climate change. Then, most of the time,
Warren quickly shifts back to something that she and these other
Democrats do share: their enemies.
“Mitch McConnell is here to work for the millionaires
and billionaires. . . . This is right in line with the Republican
philosophy across the board, because their view is the most important
thing government can do is protect the tender fannies of the rich and
powerful,” Warren said Tuesday in Kentucky. McConnell (R-Ky.) is the
Senate minority leader, and the incumbent that Grimes is trying to
unseat. “Let’s be clear about this: The game is rigged, and Mitch
McConnell wants to keep it rigged.”
This, of course, is a not a new idea. Labeling your
opponents as tools of nameless Wall Street fat cats has been a tactic of
American politics for more than a century, and a tool of Democrats
since FDR.
The next part of her standard speech is an emotional
buildup using an audience call-andresponse that she has employed for
about a year. On the day she campaigned in New Hampshire, the difference
with other Democrats was obvious. Shaheen, speaking first, had used her
own call-and-response, but only to hammer her opponent. The responses
also didn’t seem to be as loud as she wanted.
“Do you think Scott Brown cares about New Hampshire?” she said.
“No!” the crowd said.
“Louder!” Shaheen said. “LOUDER!”
“NO!” the crowd said.
Warren’s call-and-response, by contrast, is a
recitation of things that she says Democrats believe. For the audience,
it does not sound like a story about Brown — it sounds like a story
about them and about things they and Warren want to do together.
“Nobody should work full time and still live in poverty,” Warren said. She was drowned out by cheers.
“Everyone is entitled to get an education without
being crushed by student-loan debt,” she said. Cheers again. “Woo!”
Warren said. Then she turned to students waving signs on the stage
behind her. “Woo!”
Warren shouted other beliefs: that Social Security and
Medicare should be preserved, that women deserve equal pay for equal
work. These were well-worn Democratic policy ideas, repackaged as the
bylaws of a movement.
Then the big one, the line that usually draws the loudest applause in the speech.:
“Corporations are not people,” Warren shouted.
At this high point, 76-year-old Christina Angell
turned to her companion in the back row. “She’s a lot better than
Obama,” she said.
Warren’s speech ends, as most good speeches do, with a
view of the apocalypse. For the past few years, Republican candidates
have won votes by sketching doomsday scenarios where freedom itself is
lost, to debt or dictatorship. Warren warns her audience that democracy
itself might be lost — buried under the big money of conservative
billionaires — if they don’t help elect Democrats right now.
“It comes to you, to tell us how democracy really
works,” she said in one New Hampshire speech. “Is democracy all about
those who can drop a half a million bucks — millions of dollars — can
pump in money to buy an election? Or is it about people?”
Here, her cadence slowed down, to emphasize every
clause: “Is it about who you trust. To work. For the people. Of
“New Hampshire!” the crowd interrupted.
“Did I do that again?” Warren said. “Damn.”
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