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Monday, June 1, 2020

Veteran Trump adviser: 'He's been over coronavirus for a long time'

It would be nice if the coronavirus pandemic were over. I want to leave the house without a mask. I want to go to the movies. I want to make out with people I just met at Dave & Buster’s. I want the church people to go back to church so they can stop constantly complaining about the weed dispensaries still being open. I want to be able to surreptitiously lick every individual persimmon in the Kroger produce aisle without feeling guilty about it.

You know, like in the good old days.

But the coronavirus is still with us, and there’s no way to responsibly ignore it until it’s gone.

Cue Donald Trump.

Apparently, Trump thinks COVID-19 is so, well, 2019.
The Washington Post:
“He’s been over coronavirus for a long time,” said one veteran Trump adviser who described the president as focused instead on his desire to have “a fistfight” with former vice president Joe Biden, his presumptive Democratic opponent.
In case you hadn’t noticed, Trump is far more concerned these days about “OBAMAGATE,” Joe Scarborough’s long-deceased staffer, phony voter fraud allegations, and all sorts of other things that have nothing to do with either reality or the immense challenges currently facing our country.

And as we fly by 100,000 COVID-19 deaths, the fact that we currently have no president is not only alarming but extremely dangerous:
“What we have is a completely disjointed national response,” said retired rear admiral Kenneth Bernard, an epidemiologist who led the National Security Council’s biodefense and health security office in the George W. Bush and Clinton administrations. “We have to open the economy, but there seems to be no central leadership on that.  I don’t understand how someone can take the responsibility of being leader of the most powerful nation in the world and then decide, ‘Nah, that’s not really my responsibility anymore, we’ll leave that to other people and I have other things I’d rather do,’ ” Bernard added.
Meanwhile, in case you hadn’t noticed, Trump is disavowing any and all responsibility for the government’s feckless response to the pandemic:
“He’s never at fault for anything. It’s Fauci’s fault. It’s China’s fault. It’s Obama’s fault. It’s always someone else, somewhere else,” said David Lapan, a former Department of Homeland Security official in the Trump administration. “He doesn’t want to hear the bad news, he doesn’t take responsibility for the bad news and wants to gloss over it and change the subject. That does a disservice to the American public, who need the facts and the straight truth about what’s going on.”
So get ready for more American carnage. This summer promises to be more of the same — which means death, distraction, and endless Donald derp.
God help us all.

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