Protesters clash with riot police during a rally to support EU integration in central Kiev November 24, 2013. (photo: Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters)
04 March 14
How crazy will Americans get over Ukraine?
is NOT a real place. Ukraine has never been a real place, not in the
sense that Madascar or Cuba are both undeniably real places with real
edges. Ukraine has no real edges, just lines on a map imposed by some
treaty or army over the past several thousand years. To speak, as the
more pompous do, of Ukraine's "territorial integrity" is to speak of an
imaginary construct, useful for blurring people's minds for political
Ukraine in recent years has been what the power
brokers of the disintegrating Soviet Union decided to let it be in 1991.
Ukraine has no coherent history as a nation. First inhabited some
44,000 years ago, most of the region's history is as occupied territory.
Russia's history of maintaining a military presence in Crimea is older than United States history. The Russian Black Sea Fleet
has been based in Sevastopol in Crimea continuously since 1783. For the
Russians, this is a crucial warm water port, currently leased from
Ukraine till 2042.
To understand what this means to the Russians, it
probably matters more to them than the United States would care if the
Cubans decided to threaten the Naval Base at Guantanamo, and we know
that wouldn't have a happy ending.
Is anyone involved in Ukraine NOT to blame for something?
In spite of its history as a subjugated non-state, Ukraine has managed something like a functioning democratic government from time to time in recent years. Now is not one of those times. The elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, was by all accounts corrupt, but he was elected. Although the process was somewhat messy, he was duly elected in 2010 with almost 49% of the vote, concentrated in Russian-populated eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
Now Yanukovych has been deposed, perhaps justly, but
by an unjust process spearheaded by a street mob and a disenthralled
parliament. The parliament has appointed an acting president and
Yanukovych is in asylum in Russia. It's not clear that Ukraine now has a
legitimate government of any sort.
The Ukrainian presidential crisis, which is ongoing,
is surely the result of longstanding, internal Ukrainian faultlines,
ethnic, political, and economic. And the crisis is even more surely the
result of deliberate, years-long interference in the internal affairs of
Ukraine by the United States, the European Union, NATO, and other
western forces, as Robert Parry has described. Ukraine appears to be the
latest victim of those New American Century conspirators who brought
the world such success in Afghanistan, Iraq, Honduras, and Syria (home
to another Russian warm water port and their only Mediterranean base).
That front page headline in the Times is, perhaps, less inflammatory than others elsewhere, but it was five columns wide and deploying "Kremlin" that way is pure Cold War journalism. As for accuracy, it's close - even if it doesn't acknowledge that Russian troops have long been based in Crimea and "seize" is a hyperbolic rendering of an unopposed deployment which may even have been welcomed by most of the population.
That front page headline in the Times is, perhaps, less inflammatory than others elsewhere, but it was five columns wide and deploying "Kremlin" that way is pure Cold War journalism. As for accuracy, it's close - even if it doesn't acknowledge that Russian troops have long been based in Crimea and "seize" is a hyperbolic rendering of an unopposed deployment which may even have been welcomed by most of the population.
The subhead - "REBUFF TO OBAMA" - is essentially
propaganda, as it tries to make the president personally relevant to a
situation that has its own dynamic. It's also propaganda insofar as it
tries to make this an American crisis to which we're supposed to
respond, rather than one we promoted for reasons that remain obscure.
The Times offers some idea of why Russia might be wary, but that's deep in an inside sidebar, not the front page story. The deadpan tone hides a host of implied threats to Russian stability and safety:
"Ukraine had accomplished some military reform with NATO advice, but since President Yanukovych said that Ukraine was not interested in full NATO membership, cooperation has lagged, the NATO official said. Ukraine has, however, taken part in some military exercises with NATO, contribute some troops to NATO's response force and helped in a small way in Libya."
In other words, the "pro-Russian" Yanukovych was
contributing to NATO, albeit in a small way that might even have been
part of a balancing act reflecting Ukraine's unfortunate but inescapable
geographic location bordering both Russia and NATO members
Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland. As far as the NATO allies were
concerned, Ukraine's effort to be a buffer state with good relations
with all its hostile neighbors was not enough. Both NATO and the
European Union were pressuring Ukraine to choose sides, NATO's side. How
did they honestly expect Russia to react, sooner or later?
These provocations have gone on for years in different
forms, apparently with President Obama's blessing, since he apparently
did nothing, or nothing effective, to mitigate or even stop the
relentless instigation of Ukrainians toward violence. In mid-December
2013, former Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich warned of the trap Ukrainian demonstrators in Independence Square were headed toward.
The fascist, neo-Nazi, ethnic cleansing forces in Kiev
and western Ukraine do not control the government at this point, but
they control the streets and they are the most armed and organized of
the factions in Ukraine. They provided many of the shock troops in
recent confrontations with police at Independence Square.
Concern about the possible rise to power of right-wing
forces contributed to the decision by Crimean authorities to reject the
legitimacy of the Kiev government and establish de facto control of
Crimea as, effectively, a temporary independent and autonomous province
of Ukraine. After that, Sergei Aksyonov, prime minister of Crimea, asked
the Russians for help safeguarding the region.
Aksyonov also announced that Crimea would hold a public referendum on independence on March 30.
The government in Kiev mobilized the military to
defend Ukraine and dispatched some troops to Crimea. There the majority
of those troops reportedly joined the forces of the Crimean autonomous region.
"PUTIN GOES TO WAR" - New Yorker online headline, March 1, 2014
The usually brilliant David Remnick somehow sees this multi-faceted, low level, uncertain and ambiguous situation as a "war." Since no shot had been fired by the time he wrote about what he called a "demonstration war," that made it an especially interesting demonstration.
The usually brilliant David Remnick somehow sees this multi-faceted, low level, uncertain and ambiguous situation as a "war." Since no shot had been fired by the time he wrote about what he called a "demonstration war," that made it an especially interesting demonstration.
"Putin's reaction exceeded our worst expectations,"
Remnick wrote, suggesting that no one had realistic expectations. For
this statement to be true, "we" must have been delusional. Remnick must
know that a rational person's expectations when provoking a huge nuclear
power would have to be extreme - or detached from reality.
What did anyone expect Russia to do in the face of
perennial probes affecting its vital interests, real or perceived?
Writing with a Cold War approach that denigrates or omits anything that
makes sense of Russian behavior, Remnick compares the Russian deployment
in Crimea to Georgia in 2008, Afghanistan in 1979, Checkoslovakia in
1968. He omits any mention of Sevastopol or NATO. He argues instead that
this is all about Putin's psyche.
Without doubt, Putin's Russia has its horrors, but not
everyone is blinded by them, any more than they are blinded by American
horrors. Writing in Haaretz on February 25, before Ukraine fully came
apart, Amatzia Baram wrote with clear-eyed analysis of the developing situation:
If Ukraine degenerates into chaos, Russia's naval base in Sevastopol will be in danger. If that happens, Putin may have an interest in seeing Ukraine split, for he will have no choice but to seize control somehow - perhaps with the services of a loyal Ukrainian politician - of Sevastopol and the surrounding area, or even of Eastern Ukraine, including the Crimean Peninsula where it is situated.
The United States does not bear the sole
responsibility for de-stabilizing Ukraine and risking a nuclear power
confrontation, but there is little doubt that if the United States had
not been an eager co-conspirator in twenty years of increasingly
reckless global expansionism we wouldn't be in this current quandary.
But here we are, headed into another media wonderland
where the actual context of putting missiles near another country's
borders is expected to elicit a reaction different from the one the
Russians would get if they tried to finagle Mexico into a military
alliance or base missiles in Canada.
Come on, people, keep your wits about you. American exceptionalism isn't always such a good thing.
1 comment:
If you love Russia so much you should go there and see if you can write what you want when you want.
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