Portrait, Robert Reich, 08/16/09. (photo: Perian Flaherty)
26 December 12
It’s a long-established principle of game theory (see Thomas Schelling’s classic 1956 essay in the American Economic Review) that a fanatic who restricts his freedom to avert a disaster puts maximum pressure on his opponent to give ground.
In a game of highway chicken, for example, the driver
that can’t swerve because he’s tied his hands to the steering wheel and
chained his foot to the accelerator forces the other to swerve in order
to avoid crashing.
The trick is for the first driver to convince the
second that he’s crazy enough to have committed himself to instant death
if the second doesn’t act rationally.
House Speaker John Boehner’s failure to persuade
rank-and-file House Republicans to raise taxes even on millionaires fits
the fanatic’s strategy exactly. Boehner can now credibly claim he has
no choice in the matter -Republican fanatics in the House have tied his
hands and manacled his feet — so the only way to avoid going over the
cliff is for Obama and the Democrats to make more concessions.
The White House’s hope of getting the Senate to pass
legislation that raises taxes on the wealthy in order to pressure
Boehner won’t work because the legislation can’t possibly get through
the House. That’s the point: Boehner has demonstrated he has no choice;
the fanatics are in charge there.
Obama could decide going over the cliff isn’t so bad
after all -as long as he and congressional Democrats introduce
legislation early in the 2013 that gives a tax cut to the middle class
retroactively to January 1st (extending the Bush tax cut to the first
$250,000 of income) and restores most spending — and Republicans feel
compelled to go along.
But with Boehner’s hands tied and the fanatics in
charge, this gambit becomes far riskier. What if we go over the cliff
and House Republicans continue to hold out against any tax increases on
the rich while demanding major cuts in Medicare and Social Security?
The path of least resistance is for Obama and the
Democrats to offer to keep everything as is, through 2013 -extend all
the Bush tax cuts and continue all current spending (lifting the debt
limit along the way) -unless or until a “grand bargain” on the budget is
agreed to before the end of next year.
This is likely to satisfy enough Republican fanatics
to gain a majority in the House. And it would avoid the fiscal cliff,
kicking the can down the road and giving everyone more time.
Deficit hawks in both parties won’t like it, but
that’s okay. Unemployment is still way too high and growth too meager to
justify trimming the deficit any time soon.
The real problem with this gambit is it doesn’t change the game. Even down the road, Boehner’s hands will still be tied and the fanatics will remain in charge — which will give Republicans the stronger position in negotiations leading to a “grand bargain.” Compromise would have to be almost entirely on the Democrats’ side.
That’s why I’d recommend going over the cliff and
forcing the Republicans’ hand. It’s a risky strategy but it would at
least expose the Republican tactic and put public pressure squarely on
rank-and-file Republicans, where it belongs.
The fanatics in the GOP have to be held accountable or
they’ll continue to hold the nation hostage to their extremism. Even if
it takes until the 2014 midterms to loosen their hold, the cost is
worth it.
Robert Reich is a jackass.
Off the cliff we go, I am for taxing Americans 10 trillion and cutting 10 trillion over 10 years so we can pay down the national debt and balance the budget. Taxing for 1.6 trillion over 10 years is worthless unless you cut trillions in spending because all that does is dig our national debt hole deeper.
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