'This latest evidence of Romney's obtuseness appalled credible conservative commentators.' (photo: Jim Young/Reuters)
21 September 12
A few years ago, I helped move a herd of cattle with
some honest-to-God cowboys on a big ranch near White Sulphur Springs,
Mont. At the end of the morning as the cows and calves mothered up, the
cowboys told me how they loved the life they lived -- the broad land,
the wide sky, the days tending animals, even the hard and endless work
in all kinds of weather.
One of the cowboys said he knew he would never get
rich; he and his wife lived with their kids in a tiny rental house and
they would probably never have much more than that. But it was enough
for him. He had no interest in being an entrepreneur, a venture
capitalist or a king of Wall Street.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
average yearly income of a cowboy is around $25,000. Tax laws that were
passed under President Reagan aimed to help Americans of modest means by
giving them an income tax break. As a result, working people in the
income strata below $30,000 a year are likely to pay little or no income
tax. That covers a lot of cowboys.
Are they slackers? No, there is no one with a stronger
work ethic than cowboys. A willingness to work does not guarantee
affluence, though. Among the 47% that Romney disdains are millions of
hardworking, poorly compensated people and other millions of retired
folk who labored all their lives. But, in a speech to wealthy donors
last May, Romney said he would not even try to win the votes of this 47%
because they were "dependent on the government" and felt "entitled to
healthcare, to food, to housing, to you-name-it."
With these comments revealed, it becomes even more
obvious that Romney has vast gaps in his understanding of the people he
aspires to lead. He speaks as though he is being fed lines by a staff
made up of Ayn Rand zealots and Rush Limbaugh dittoheads and has no clue
how they are misleading him.
This latest evidence of Romney’s obtuseness appalled
credible conservative commentators, such as David Brooks and Bill
Kristol. Limbaugh, of course, was ecstatic to have the Republican
presidential nominee join him in a world without facts.
The sad reality is that Romney is wrong about one
other thing: There are plenty of folks among the 47% who will vote for
him -- and not just the millionaires who have found ways to evade the
income tax. Working-class men, in particular, have fallen for the
Republican call to "take back America" from gays, illegal immigrants,
baby-killing feminists, tax-crazy liberals and a president who is just
not truly American. They feel embattled and hope Romney will be on their
side. But how can he be their champion when he does not even know who
they are or how they live?
If Mitt Romney saw a real cowboy, he'd think it was costume night at the country club.
2012-09-21 10:52
I had to laugh at the
last line. We live in southwestern Colorado where ranching and farming
constitute most of the local business, along with the energy industry's
gas drilling. At City Market supermarket and everywhere else in town
(pop. 10,000, county 18,000, elev. 6200') and country, locals wear their
cowboy hats and boots, cowboys and cowgirls on horseback with their
cattle dogs along the highways herding cattle from Winter to Summer
pastures (and the tourists here for Mesa Verde stopped on the highway
taking photos), our ever-present working and family dogs riding around
in our trucks and cars with us. Yet, amazingly enough, the cowboy hat
and boots are not costume dress for our "country club". I can't imagine
harder working folks making less money and loving it. I guess we are the
lazy hobos depending on government for our livelihoods? I don't think
so. Cleaning out irrigation ditches, brush hogging acreage of tough
sagebrush to enlarge our pastures, baling and stacking bales of hay for
local consumption and trucking to market, this is a county of back
breaking physical labors of love to pay our way. We are blessed to live
in clean space and emptiness, far from romney's rich and famous
geniuses. Many of us have to laugh at this guy who actually has deceived
himself and many others into viewing him as presidential material.
Gimme a break, and another laugh.
2012-09-21 18:05
Enjoy it Fracking may not affect you at your altitude but it will affect others.
I am glad someone in a different situation has given us a glimpse of how American seems to meld into the employment in its midst.
I was offended for the Military...not all are brass slugs.
I am glad someone in a different situation has given us a glimpse of how American seems to meld into the employment in its midst.
I was offended for the Military...not all are brass slugs.
2012-09-22 05:10
Fracking is here.
Altitude has nothing to do with it. It's as horrible here as everywhere.
Underground explosions have already knocked one home off its foundation
just north of cortez, co. Bill Barrett Co. is doing the damages and is
facing a lawsuit by the AG of colorado, filed in Denver. The underground
explosions are also suspected of weakening the foundation of Cliff
Palace on Mesa Verde, the largest cliff dwelling in the national park.
We know all about fracking here.
2012-09-22 09:40
Romney comes with
rich and notorious scoundrels and jackasses, not "geniuses." Cowboys
know a helluva lot more about nature than these dingbats, who know zilch
about human reproduction, climate, evolution, and all the other science
areas they firmly think they have a choice and a vote, for or (usually)
2012-09-25 10:30
As Mozzie would say, "He's an empty suit".
2012-09-21 11:08
I can see no way in
which anything akin to reality will shake all if those wood be good lie
boys from Romney. It's too bad that there isn't some ID requirement that
could keep em from voting. Is there a way to make racism &
stupidity a case for voter fraud?
2012-09-21 12:40
Racism, misogyny,
homophobia, stupidity, lying and propagating misinformation should all
be grounds to prevent those who believe in a right to discriminate, from
running for public office!
We need tests that those aspiring for public office have to pass that weed out extremists. Otherwise, our politicians are certainly not serving all Americans, only old white males.
We need tests that those aspiring for public office have to pass that weed out extremists. Otherwise, our politicians are certainly not serving all Americans, only old white males.