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Sunday, September 15, 2024

DEBATE AFTERTHOUGHTS: Thinking and the Loose Cannon on our Shaky Ship of State

 Immigrants Are the American Dream

By George Templeton

Gazette Blog Columnist 

Blue Country Gazette Blog

Rim Country Gazette Blog

Were we that way?

Here's a thought: when someone is bugging me, it's probably in their interest, not mine.  I get many emails and quickly delete them.   I don’t have time to read them, so I’ll call them when I want something, not the other way around.

In the old days, you went to the brick-and-mortar store and visited the aisle containing the thing you wanted.   You saw the thing, felt it, smelled it, and perhaps even tried it on.  Armed with these facts, you then made your decision.  It was lateral thinking.

You did not have to parse your way through an algorithm’s assumptions about you and piles of irrelevant information. You decided in your quandary.

It is what the mathematician William Byers called our Blind Spot, and it went round and round like a wheel, creating self-referential ambiguity.  We would find McCain’s Character and Destiny, morality, and courage on that wheel.  They all depend on each other.  They are our dark side and our better angels.

Does force persuade?

In management school, we were taught to focus on overt behaviors.  They were concretely objective things that could be measured at a place and time.  The great innovation of this idea was that an employee might be able to see how they were doing.  Because your job is incomplete and full of surprises, the employee and manager must sit together and make adjustments.

But even after that, important things cannot be measured.  Our feelings are proxies, indicators of something deeper that must be considered.

Most human beings want to feel appreciated and make a difference. When we involved the employees who were low in the pyramid of power in the decision-making process, the change in attitude and productivity was palpable.

Do you have free will?

It is lonely when you must make decisions, and there is no higher up you can defer to.  You can’t be truly free unless you are also responsible.

Charles Spezzano observed, "The most free person is not the one who is free from anything, but the one who is free for everything.”

We are skeptical of things lacking evidence, but what are those?  Can it be found by looking inward instead of outward?


That wheel we described earlier turns round and round because we don’t know precisely what virtue is or why it exists within our consciousness.  The “why” comforts us, giving our thinking viral contagion and deep understanding.  Why would we want a loose cannon on our ship of state?

What is courage?  It seems to depend on circumstances.  It could be holding a different opinion than your friends and neighbors and being authentic.

The 23 Psalm explains courage.  When we distrust one another and fear immigrants who want to contribute, be appreciated, and build a better life, we miss its message.  Those people are the American Dream.  They were Hitler’s Jewish scientists, the Irish, the Italians, the WW II Japanese concentration camp Americans, the Chinese California gold rush miners, and the unrecognized minorities who did the hard work to build the railroads and work the plantations.  There were millions of them.  They were not criminals sent by countries wanting to get rid of them.

Proverbs 26:  18-19 seems to apply to our situation.  “Like a madman … is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, “I am only joking!”  The thousand-year-old concept of the Anti-Christ viewed him as the ultimate adversary of “goodness,” a persecuting tyrant, and a great deceiver.  The GOP has its historical policies, but they do not bind our loose cannon.  Like the reality TV apprentice, he will fire those who disagree.

In the 30 years of my work, I have had to move manufacturing apparatus back and forth across the oceans, and I can tell you that those foreign countries were not depositing to our Federal Reserve. The American consumer pays the tariffs.  I have also dealt with immigration, but I let the lawyers handle that for me.

Is fairness and justice only about having things turn out your way?

Policies are not about crowd size.  They are not games or reality TV. They are about “The Courage to Be”.   It is about the joy of saying yes to our true being.  It is about principle, not just money.

Some things must be understood from the top down.  For example, heat was macroscopic initially, but then microscopic atoms were discovered. Statistics provided the correspondence between the two viewpoints.  Consider the things providing the correspondence between the political left and right.  Is a rose still a rose from any other view?  This should bring us together again.

Understanding from the bottom up works when you can find a simple governing principle, helping to provide direction as you spread your wings to fly in the dusk of our increasingly less civil politics.  Unfortunately, we might not understand democracy until it has passed away.

Fear, distrust, and hatred are human emotions that can destroy a nation.  We must remember that the future builds upon the past, whether we appreciate it or not.   No one in 1960, in the worst nightmare, could have dreamed that we would come to this.  The generation who raised me could not vote for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 because he was divorced, and they did not like Eisenhower because they could not like a war general.  Today, self-interest is the dominant Republican ethos.

How To Think 

Start by thinking laterally.  How would you classify your feelings?  Which bucket would you put them in?  Buckets can overlap and change over time.

Good stories involve intentions that cannot be measured. They might not be accurate, but when they are true, we can sense that. 

But what if we think vertically, in threads?  That uses big data and is not human.  The danger of artificial intelligence is that we let AI think for us in an inhuman way that is easier than thinking for ourselves.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Kamala Harris Taunts ‘Chicken Man’ Trump After He Dodges Another Debate

“At long last we discover his spirit animal. The Chicken,” Harris adviser David Plouffe wrote on X.

Mini Racker / The Daily Beast 

Donald Trump is refusing to face off with Kamala Harris again after his disastrous performance in Tuesday’s debate.

“THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!!” he wrote in a post on Truth Social Thursday.

Harris' campaign chairman, David Plouffe, responded by taunting Trump as “chicken.”

“At long last we discover his spirit animal. The Chicken,” he wrote. “Let’s see if chicken man excises Hannibal Lecter out of his speech tonight. If he does, demonstrates he was humiliated on that point on Tuesday night. If he doesn’t, well, that would be awesome. Classic win, win.”

Trump told supporters at a rally in Tucson, Arizona, Thursday afternoon that two debates is enough—one against Joe Biden, the other against Harris. “And because they were successful, there will be no third debate," he said, prompting cheers.

"It's too late anyway,” he added, “the voting's already begun, you gotta go out and vote."

He also told the New York Post in an interview, “We just don’t think that there’s any need for it" and he insisted, "I did well. I did really well."

After his initial announcement on his social media platform earlier in the day, the Twittersphere exploded with “bok bok chicken” jabs.

Harris herself hit back with more restraint.

“Two nights ago, Donald Trump and I had our first debate,” she posted on X. “We owe it to the voters to have another debate.”

Numerous polls have suggested Harris bested Trump in the debate. After she started the evening by appearing to rattle him with a handshake, Harris spent the debate laughing at Trump, looking at him in disbelief and baiting him to talk about issues that would not work in his favor.

She had few real stumbles, while the former president repeatedly spouted outlandish claims about illegal immigrants “eating the pets” and Democrats supporting killing babies. One of the GOP’s most prominent pollsters even suggested Trump’s performance might cost him the election.

But Trump is spinning the Democrats’ call for another debate as the response of a sore loser—not a candidate playing to her strengths.

“When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, ‘I WANT A REMATCH,’ he wrote in his Truth Social post.

Trump and his allies spent the day attacking ABC News for treating him unfairly, while the vice president’s giddy team sought a rematch as soon as the first debate ended.

“Under the bright lights, the American people got to see the choice they will face this fall at the ballot box: between moving forward with Kamala Harris, or going backwards with Trump,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon wrote in a statement Tuesday night. “That’s what they saw tonight and what they should see at a second debate in October. Vice President Harris is ready for a second debate. Is Donald Trump?”

Though Trump wavered on debating Harris after his knockout performance against Joe Biden, he said last month he was open to three debates with her in September. However, he already appeared to be changing his tune after walking off the stage Tuesday night, telling Sean Hannity, “If you won the debate, I sort of think maybe I shouldn’t do it. Why should I do another debate?”

Who's the old man in the election now?

Friday, September 13, 2024

Trump's debate debacle is a stark reminder he's unfit to be president - more now than ever

no image description availableRepublican presidential nominee Donald Trump debates Vice President Kamala Harris on Sept. 10, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

A fantastic behind-the-scenes look at Donald Trump’s debate performance Tuesday night by Axios’ Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen reminds us why Trump is so dramatically unfit to be president. 

Let’s take a look. 

Here's what troubles former President Trump's advisers most: He knew that with precision and preparation, Vice President Harris would bait him on things like crowd size, and buck discussion about her power today and liberalism in the past [...] But he blew it badly ... repeatedly ... predictably. He simply cannot help himself, Trump insiders begrudgingly admit.

Imagine those insiders knowing and admitting that Trump is easily baited and “can’t help himself,” and yet still working to elect him president. 

Imagine a foreign adversary baiting him with, “My crowd sizes are bigger than yours!” We’d have a nuclear Armageddon in minutes. 

Trump knew — and was told — he could walk off the convention stage up double digits in the polls if he exploited the assassination attempt and cut the grievance crap.

But just like Tuesday's debate, he simply couldn't help himself. He went on for 60 more rambling minutes in that convention speech, rehashing his greatest grievance hits.

RELATED STORY: Trump’s RNC speech shows exactly who he is, despite promises to hide it

What a stupid notion. Trump was never going to be up by “double digits” no matter what. No one except for a handful of idiot reporters bought the whole “changed man” narrative. And how were Republicans going to harp on Trump’s assassination attempt when Trump was literally the  same person who told us to “get over” school shootings? That’s why we never saw a bump in Trump’s numbers, even while President Joe Biden’s numbers slid (slightly) as Democrats turned against him. 

It’s not surprising that Republicans, giddy with excitement over the images of Trump and his bleeding ear, would promise him such a result. Perhaps it was even manipulative, promising ice cream if he did his chores (“Stay on message!”). But that was never going to happen. And it doesn’t negate how funny it is that he couldn’t keep it together, going off script and talking about Hannibal Lecter

The same pattern unfolded at the debate, like clockwork. You saw it in the first 20 minutes or so: Trump was calm, confident, self-controlled in discussing the economy and what he could deliver for voters.

I don’t know. I saw a man rattled by a simple handshake, looking annoyed as Harris went through her early debate messaging, refusing to look at her because … has anyone figured out why? Normal humans look at each other. 

Then Harris went for Trump's obvious ego soft spot: crowd size. You don't need to be Freud to know Trump is sensitive about his fans — and their attention and affection. Advisers told him she'd bait relentlessly on this or similar topics. Don't bite, they counseled.

He didn't just nibble at the bait. He crushed it like a starving, roaring river salmon. He was on a wild run the rest of the debate.

Does America really need a president with zero impulse control? When his advisers actually offer sage (and obvious) advice, and he knows it’s good advice, he still can’t help doing the wrong thing. 

Trump was bad enough in 2016 when he wasn’t as old, addled, and weighed down by petty grudges and grievances. 

Axios also reports on Trump’s actual strategies.

He was told to repeatedly ask why Harris hadn't used her power as vice president to do all the wonderful things she promises today.

The obvious reasons are: 1) she wasn’t president, and 2) Republicans in Congress blocked much of the Democratic agenda, including the bipartisan border deal. Still, when it comes to politics, if you’re explaining—you’re losing. And Harris could’ve easily retorted, “Why didn’t you build your border wall? Why are crime rates down since you left office? Why did you tell people to inject bleach?” 

He was told to repeatedly remind viewers that Harris wants to focus on the future because the present is more bleak and her past is much more liberal than she presents today. Simply ask viewers: Do you feel richer and safer today than you did under Trump?

Polls show that people have selective memory, and don’t really remember how bad things were at the height of COVID. It’s doubtful that many people’s lives were better during a deadly global pandemic and economic collapse than they are today with low unemployment, a roaring stock market, and falling inflation

We do know that the economy and framing the “Are you better off” question around inflation specifically are winning strategies for Republicans. In fact, the modern GOP message can be summarized quite simply as “security”: personal security (crime), financial security (inflation), and cultural security (the “woke mind virus”). All three issues can be powerful if properly deployed, so much so that Trump has gotten traction out of them despite his clumsy messaging and inability to get past his own victimhood and grievances. 

But what doesn’t land here is the notion that “the present is more bleak.” Is it? At the debate, Trump was weakest when he was yelling things like “Our country has gone to hell!” No one outside of the most fervent MAGA minions actually thinks our country has gone to hell. 

He was told to hold her accountable for the deadly, hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yet when the moderators teed up that softball twice, he swung at other topics.

He sure did. But ABC moderators were so biased against Trump, right? Here they were giving the Trump campaign exactly what they wanted, and he refused to engage. That’s on Trump. 

VandeHei and Allen then speculate as to why Trump couldn’t manage the relatively simple task of just staying on message: He’s “haunted” by his 2020 loss and being labeled a loser; he falls for fake news like the racist lie that Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio; he’s old and won’t change his habits; and he surrounds himself with conspiracy theorists like Laura Loomer who are happy to lie to him. 

That sums up the case against Trump’s reelection very neatly. Age alone is not disqualifying. The other three factors are, and it’s a blight on our country that he still has a chance to win this thing.


And the winner by unanimous decision is...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Handshake


Community/Daily Kos

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kamala Harris absolutely killed it at the debate

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris smiles during a presidential debate with former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 2024. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
Kamala Harris smiles at the end of the Sept. 10 presidential debate.

Vice President Kamala Harris began the debate Tuesday night with a power move—walking right up to a befuddled Donald Trump and shaking his hand. It signaled who was the boss, and she took command of the debate from the start. For 90 minutes, Trump was forced to respond to Harris’ attacks while she ignored his. 

In question after question, Harris took hard, focused, and effective swipes at an increasingly agitated Trump. Increasingly rattled, Trump’s voice sped up, louder and louder until he was yelling into his microphone, sounding hysterical, repeating lies like “after birth abortions”—provoking a rare fact-check from the moderators. In fact, more than one.

“I’m not in favor of an abortion ban,” Trump barked, which will set off the right wing after he flopped all over the place on whether he’d vote for the Florida ballot initiative legalizing abortion in the state. (Trump ultimately said he will vote against abortion rights in his state.)

He said he didn’t talk to his vice presidential nominee, which doesn’t speak well for either him, Sen. JD Vance, or the ticket overall. Then he claimed he has been a “leader” on IVF, which will further enrage his evangelical foot soldiers. 

And to what end? No one who believes in choice is going to believe Trump is their friend.

Harris hit Trump for sabotaging the bipartisan immigration deal in Congress, and then mocked him for his boring rallies, inviting viewers to actually attend a Trump rally to see for themselves for his nonsense. Trump took the bait, saying crazy things like “Harris pays people for her rallies”—something easily disproved by the eye test. 

Moderators couldn’t help but offer a forceful and repeated fact check when he insisted the racist lie that “Haitians are eating dogs and cats”—pushed by his own running mate—is real. Harris burst out laughing. It was next-level unhinged, and will almost certainly feature prominently in post-debate clips.

Trump also attacked the FBI; claimed he was shot because of Democrats, even though his assailant was a registered Republican; insisted Democrats are a threat to democracy; cried that he wasn’t given enough credit for his disastrous COVID response; sputtered Harris is “against the defund the police”; claimed solar farms are a problem because they take desert soil; demanded all sorts of people be prosecuted; claimed then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was supposed to bring in the National Guard during his Jan. 6 insurrection; claimed that it was a good thing that Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban is called a “strongman”; yelled “our country has gone to hell” and that he could’ve “let [the country] rot”; and flubbed the name of the top Taliban leader—and flubbed it confidently wrong. 

He claimed in nearly every answer that the Biden-Harris administration was the worst in the history of the world. His sophomoric hyperbole doesn’t play in his own rallies anymore, and it certainly wasn’t playing Tuesday night. It was repetitive, rote, tedious, and boring. 

And for all the media hysteria about Harris’ policy plans, when asked by moderators about Trump’s Obamacare replacement plan, it was clear he had none. Pressed for a plan, he stuttered, "I have concepts of a plan." 

In a just world, Trump’s utter inability to have an answer should be the end of his charmed media coverage and campaign. 

He also talked. A lot

The ABC moderators have let Trump speak for 9 minutes longer - roughly 30% more - than Harris. The way they've "rigged" the debate is by letting him hang himself with his own stream-of-consciousness rambles.

"Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people," she quipped, sticking the shiv in. "Clearly, he is having a very difficult time processing that.”

She ignored his attacks (beyond laughing or looking on bemused—fertile territory for a million TikToks). And by ignoring his attacks and launching her own, Trump couldn’t help but take the bait every single time. She landed hits on his crowd obsession, his anti-choice record, and his love for dictators.

“It is well known that he admires dictators, wants to be a dictator on Day One,” she said. She slammed his desire to give up Ukraine to Russia.

“If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kyiv,” she said. “Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe, starting with Poland.”

She was human, with personal anecdotes and heartfelt appeals to her work for the American people—a stark contrast to shouting, angry Trump. 

And she landed perhaps the best blow of the night when she asked people to pay attention to Trump’s rallies, and how he never talks about what he will do for voters, focused instead on conspiracy theories and personal grievances. Or was it her brilliant soliloquy on Trump’s history of divisive racism? 

Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (L) walks away during a commercial break as US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris take notes during a presidential debate at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 2024. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)
Donald Trump walks off stage following the Sept. 10 presidential debate with Kamala Harris.

Trump never made eye contact with Harris. Meanwhile, Harris would look right at Trump when ripping him apart. That, in itself, was as much a power move as her initial handshake. 

The moderators, David Muir from "World News Tonight" and ABC News anchor Linsey Davis, were perfect. No nonsense. They followed up when Trump wouldn’t answer a question. They fact-checked Trump’s nonsense multiple times, on everything from abortion to the 2020 election.

Believe it or not, the first debate between Trump and President Joe Biden barely budged poll numbers. The pre-debate narrative was “Trump lies and Biden is old,” and that’s exactly what people saw. It was baked in. 

For this debate, it was “Trump lies and Harris doesn’t have any ideas.” And yes, people saw Trump lie, but they also saw him lose his composure, spittle flying as he screamed about dogs and cats getting eaten and other nutso conspiracies. 

As for Harris, they saw her in prosecutor mode, knowing her shit, and dominating Trump. She began the night with a power move handshake, and she ended it with another one: moments after the debate ended, she called for a second debate.

Will it move numbers? Who knows? Voters are weird. But if conservatives truly do hate weakness, they will be profoundly shook at how weak, small, and old Trump looked Tuesday.

"...if conservatives truly do hate weakness, they will be profoundly shook at how weak, small, and old Trump looked Tuesday."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How Harris Should Handle Trump’s Debate Lies

 NEW YORK, NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 06: Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits in the courtroom during his civil fraud trial at New York State Supreme Court on November 06, 2023 in New York City. Trump is scheduled to testify in the civil fraud trial that alleges that he and his two sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump conspired to inflate his net worth on financial statements provided to banks and insurers to secure loans. New York Attorney General Letitia James has sued seeking $250 million in damages. His sons testified in the trial last week and his daughter Ivanka Trump is scheduled to testify on Wednesday after her lawyers were unable to block her testimony.  (Photo by Jabin Botsford-Pool/Getty Images)

It’s going to be impossible for Harris to call out every lie Trump makes during the debate. That would take up all her speaking time. But here’s a thought on something she could say.

After Trump tells his first obvious whopper, which will probably be less than five minutes in, she could start her next response by simply looking at him for a few seconds then turn her eyes to the camera and say:

Have you noticed that whenever Donald Trump is on trial, he makes a big deal about wanting to testify, but he never does? That’s because when you testify in court you have to tell the truth.

It’s not illegal for Donald Trump to lie in his Truth Social posts, or in his fundraising emails, or at rallies, or in interviews or commercials. It’s not even illegal for him to lie to you in this debate. But it is illegal to lie in court, and he knows that, which is why he never testifies. That’s something to keep in mind as you listen this evening. If we had to swear in before this debate, my opponent wouldn’t be here.

Now, to address the question you asked …

And speaking of questions, here's a few Trump should be asked...

By Doyle McManus

Los Angeles Times

Election violence

The big question for Trump isn’t about policies, it’s whether he will encourage his followers to resort to violence if he loses, as they did on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump has refused to commit to accepting the result of the election, and says he believes Democrats can win only if they cheat. When he was asked whether this year’s campaign could lead to violence, he said: “It depends. It always depends on the fairness of the election.”

Jan. 4, 2022

Here’s a question that follows up on those statements:

At a debate with Joe Biden in 2020, you were asked if you had a message for extremist militias. You told the far-right Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” Three months later, they stormed the Capitol, and you praised them as patriots.

Do you want to take this opportunity to tell your followers that violence has no place in our political system?


You have taken credit for the Supreme Court decision that struck down Roe vs. Wade and said states should decide their abortion laws.

But you have also said Florida’s law banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, before most women know they are pregnant, is too harsh.

Since the Supreme Court decision, 14 states have banned abortion under almost all circumstances. Five of those states outlaw abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother. Are you OK with that? Would you do anything to protect women’s reproductive freedom in those states?

Climate change

Scientists say we just had the hottest summer on record. Phoenix has sweltered through more than 100 days of the temperature topping 100 degrees.

But you have called climate change a hoax. In an interview two weeks ago, you said people who worry about climate change are “fools” and that it’s just “weather.”

Do you believe climate change is a serious problem? When you’ve been asked that before, you have said you favor clean air and clean water — but that’s not the question. As president, what would you do to protect us against escalating climate change?

Child care

Last week, in New York, you were asked what you would do to lower the cost of child care. You said: “It’s a very important issue…. Child care is child care… You have to have it…. So we’ll take care of it.”

That seemed pretty vague, so here’s a chance for what golfers call a mulligan: Do you know how much childcare costs these days? And what specifically would you do to lower those costs?


You’ve insisted that raising tariffs on imports from China won’t increase costs for American consumers. But when you raised tariffs on washing machines in 2019, their prices went up by almost $100, according to the conservative Heritage Foundation. Prices went up not only on washers imported from China, but on American-made machines as well.

Consumers ended up paying more. Why will this time be any different?

Monday, September 9, 2024

In rant against Tim Walz, Fox host resurrects weird and strange masculinity test

no image description available
Fox News host Jesse Watters

Fox News host Jesse Watters took some time on Wednesday to offer up a strange criticism of Gov. Tim Walz. "Women love masculinity and women do not love Tim Walz,” Watters claimed. “So that should just tell you about how masculine Tim Walz is.”

Brand-new polling shows that women prefer Walz to Republican running mateand misogynist meme generatorSen. JD Vance. And virtually every poll shows women would choose Vice President Kamala Harris to convicted felon Donald Trump, making this an odd way for the very creepy Watters to begin things. But it gets stranger.

“The other day you saw him with a vanilla ice cream shake. Had a straw in it. Oh. Again, that tells you everything," Watters concluded. 

What a weird, weird, weird device to fixate your concept of masculinity on.

As bizarre as this line of thinking may seem, it isn't the first time Fox’s highly manicured host has promoted this narrow view of masculinity. In November 2023, the man who bragged of deflating his future wife’s tires in order to force her to take a ride him with him attacked President Joe Biden for a similar food-consuming infraction.

"Now, if you've seen me on The Five or on prime time, you know I recommend that all men refrain from using straws,” the Fox News host explained. “It's unbecoming the way a man's lips purse, the size of the straw is just too dainty, the way your fingers clasp on it.  No. Come on. Straws are for women and little kids."

Mystifying stuff! Many people responded to Watters’ attack on Walz by pointing out that Trump also uses straws.

So, if drinking a vanilla shake with a straw makes Tim Walz less than manly, what does this "authentic" photo say about Trump.  Wow, two can play this game.  Now let's put a mustache on Kamala and an apron on Vance.  And how about a dress on Melania that says: "I don't care.  Do you?"  And maybe a fly in Mike Pence's hair.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Venezuelan gang allegation a dangerous fabrication

We’re afraid of your mayor and of the cockroaches and rats in our apartments, not of gangs.’  Residents of The Edge at Lowry Apartments at East 12th Avenue and Dallas Street in Aurora speak out against what they say is widespread disinformation about their apartment complex. Some Aurora City Council members have gone on national and local TV saying that the complex is dangerous because its overrun by Venezuelan gangs. Residents, police and city staff say it’s untrue, and that a “slumlord” has made it nearly unlivable. PHOTO BY SUSAN GREENE, For the Sentinel
Aurora, Colorado given bum rap by GOP lie

/AURORA | For more than a week, the story from Fox News and conservative social media influencers is that Aurora has been overrun by Venezuelan gangsters wielding long guns, extorting rent payments from tenants in low-rent apartment complexes and terrorizing the city.

The narrative has gone so viral that a call went out this weekend for Hells Angels vigilantes to converge on Aurora and protect residents. Even Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has started citing the city in anti-immigrant campaign speeches.

Meanwhile, the mostly Venezuelan migrants who live in the apartments — targeted by what local police and Colorado’s governor have said are exaggerations and outright falsehoods — say the real danger is not from gangs, but rather a property owner they describe as a “slumlord” who has let the complex fall into disrepair. Residents say they also see danger in the city of Aurora’s seeming disinterest in holding that landlord and his management company accountable, and city politicians spreading misinformation and threatening their home.

“We’re afraid of your mayor and of the cockroaches and rats in our apartments, not of gangs,” Gladis Tovav, a resident of the six-building The Edge at Lowry complex, said through a translator.

About 50 tenants of the apartments at East 12th Avenue and Dallas Street in Northwest Aurora held a news conference Tuesday in response to Mayor Mike Coffman’s assertion on Facebook Friday that the city was seeking an “emergency” court order to shut down and clear out the complex and an undisclosed number of other properties. Coffman posted that the Aurora City Attorney’s office was preparing documents to request an emergency order from municipal court declaring the properties a “criminal nuisance.” 

City staff on Tuesday said the city government has not in fact sought such a court order. Councilmember Alison Coombs went further, saying “that kind of emergency order doesn’t even exist,” and noting it takes months or even years for a city to shut down an apartment complex. 

That was the case with a 98-unit complex at 1568 Nome St., which the city evacuated and shuttered Aug. 13 after two years of complaints by residents, many of them also Venezuelans, about building violations including leaks, mold, and bug and rodent infestations long-unaddressed by the landlord. That complex, called Aspen Grove, is owned and managed by the same interests that own and manage The Edge at Lowry. The landlord has claimed some of his buildings in Aurora have been overrun by members of Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang otherwise known as TdA.

A few hundred families have been displaced since the city shut Aspen Grove down.

Coffman and, to a greater extent, Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky have parroted the landlord — falsely, according to Aurora police and city staff — that the complex was shuttered because of TdA gang activity when in fact the reason was repeated building violations residents had long complained about. 

On Tuesday, one tenant of The Edge in Lowry showed news reporters traps with mice, both dead and alive, stuck to them as proof of the problems. He and other residents said there has been no Venezuelan gang activity they know of in the complex, and that a much-publicized video from Aug. 18 showing of men with long guns and handguns surrounding a door of an apartment there involved outsiders not from the Venezuelan community.  

They said that, contrary to Jurinsky’s claims, none of them had been extorted by gang members. Several showed receipts of their rental payments to the landlord, responding to the allegations.

Aurora police are investigating that Aug. 18 incident and said in an email to the Sentinel on Friday that, despite Jurinsky’s and Coffman’s assertions that it involved TdA members, the department has no information to suggest that is true. Police declined to give further details, saying the incident is under investigation.

City staffers have urged the public and the news media — but not the politicians they work for accused of spreading misinformation in the first place — not to conflate serious building code violations at a few apartment complexes with TdA activity that may or may not be taking place in the city.

Tenants said Coffman showed up for a sweep at The Edge at Lowry on Monday with city police officers, but wouldn’t agree to sit down and speak with residents worried about getting booted out and displaced. On Facebook, the mayor posted his disappointment that “unfortunately, no one with an outstanding warrant was identified…” in the complex.

Spooked by his claims that the city is trying to shut down their buildings, the residents say it’s unfair the city would effectively punish them rather than their unresponsive landlord. 

Gov. Jared Polis last week cast doubt on the extent of Venezuelan gang violence alleged in Aurora, slamming Coffman and Jurinsky for spreading false news and urging them to refrain from stoking public fears. 

“He really hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own city when they are supposed to keep it safe,” Polis’ spokesperson Shelby Wieman said in a statement to the Sentinel.

In the meantime, two fellow Aurora City Council members on Tuesday criticized Coffman and Jurinsky — both Republicans who’ve taken outspoken stances against immigrants — for scaring the tenants and for triggering a flood of social media racism against Venezuelans.

“We’re dealing with irresponsible folks who for political reasons want to make a frenzy about immigration in a city that has historically been welcoming of our immigrant population,” said Coombs, a progressive Democrat and longtime advocate for Aurora’s immigrant population. The supermajority Republican to Democrat partisan split on the non-partisan, 11 member city council is a regular occurrence. “Unfortunately we have parties who are unwilling to engage in good faith and in rational discourse.”

Councilmember Crystal Murillo also expressed concerns about her colleagues seemingly willfully spreading untruths.

“We’re getting distracted by unconfirmed false narratives that play on people’s fears,” she said. “If people are spreading false information, there should be consequences. There are real impacts in the community when we use people’s identities as political pawns.”

Jurinsky did not return requests seeking her response. 

Coffman, for this part, wrote, “I’m trying to do my best to place this in the context that it is isolated to three apartment complexes and that it does not, in any way, reflect on our entire city. I want to be honest in accurately describing the situation at hand, and not exaggerate it, because I fully understand the potential economic harm to our city.”

He did not address the misinformation he posted — and has not removed — about imminent court action to shut down apartments and confusion he caused by conflicting comments on Fox News and local TV news about the level of gang activity in the region.

Coombs, in the meantime, also blasted Coffman and Jurinsky for unfairly casting doubt on city staff and police in their handling of blighted apartment complexes and alleged organized crime. Given that city employees aren’t directly calling out the misinformation spread by the politicians they report to, she said she would.

“There’s one way Councilwoman Jurinsky tends to operate, and that’s hardcore grandstanding, where facts don’t matter,” she said.

As for Coffman, Coombs said, “Has a history of saying that certain actions are taking place or underway before vetting that those actions are really possible. I don’t know why he does that, but it’s not the first time.

“The mayor has definitely shown a lack of leadership,” she added. “I think he cracked under pressure in terms of promoting the narrative of his party.”

Nuff' said.