There are different feelings and ideas about how various elected officials should talk and act about the leaked Supreme Court decision to overturn decades of settled law in Roe v. Wade. While the decision directly affects more than half of the population of the United States and most obviously affects reproductive rights, the ramifications are far-reaching and fundamentally theocratic in nature.
The Democrats in the Senate—sans Joe Manchin, who, along with his family, is a well-documented corrupt person—have come out swinging behind the voices of people like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and are calling for U.S. senators to put their name down for or against reproductive rights as well as women’s civil rights. The House of Representatives seems to be acting a lot less united and a lot more granularly.
On Wednesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries decided to step out with a message to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his most recent anti-Constitutional bad take that protests at Supreme Court justices’ homes are an attempt to “bully” the court into making the more popular decision of not taking away the rights of more than half the country. Justice Clarence Thomas was quoted on Friday as having said he’s all hot and bothered about how the “respect” for institutions is “eroding.” He directly attacked protesters of the leaked Roe decision, saying they are clearly unable to “live with outcomes we don’t agree with.” Jeffries decided to talk directly to suspected sexual harasser Thomas about people who are unable to “live with outcomes” they “don’t agree with.”
And it was good stuff.
Jeffries didn’t mince words, going right for Thomas, saying that if he “really wants to deal with bullying in America, or this problem of people supposedly unwilling to accept outcomes that they don’t like, I’ve got some advice for Justice Thomas. Start in your own home.”
Ka-pow! Did he say what I think he just said? Yes. Yes indeed.
“Have a conversation with Ginni Thomas.” Virginia “Ginni” Thomas has long been a wildcard partisan hack who should have been a red enough flag to have forced Thomas to need to recuse himself from virtually every decision in front of the court. The recent news of how invested and involved the Supreme Court justice’s wife was in trying to get the election results overturned has blown most ethically minded people’s hair back.
Jeffries goes right to heart of the matter from here: “[Ginni Thomas] refused to accept the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. Why? Because she didn’t like the outcome. And so instead, she tried to steal the election, overthrow the United States government, and install a tyrant. That’s bullying.” It is here that I will give one note of criticism to Jeffries and say that’s not simply “bullying,” that’s “sedition,” that’s a “coup d’etat,” that’s “fascism.” But, please go on, I’ve gotten another bag of popcorn!
“That’s being unwilling to accept an outcome because you don’t like you don’t like the results. Because the former, twice-impeached, so-called president of the United States of America lost legitimately to Joe Biden.” I’m back on board! “How did she respond? Instead, she said the Bidens should face a military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay. On trumped up charges of sedition. You’ve got to be kidding me.”
And then Jeffries did what good orators do: He revved up the engines and drove home everything wrong with Clarence Thomas and his spouse Ginni. “And lastly, let me ask this question of Brother Thomas: Why are you such a hater? Hate on civil rights. Hate on women’s rights. Hate on reproductive rights. Hate on voting rights. Hate on marital rights. Hate on equal protection under the law. Hate on liberty and justice for all. Hate on free and fair elections. Why are you such a hater?”
Yes! More, please.
“And you think you can get away with it, escape public scrutiny, because you think that shamelessness is your superpower?” At this point, someone (likely a Republican) tries to get House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrod Nadler to cut Jeffries off, but Jeffries is going to finish this out. “Here’s a news flash straight from the House Judiciary Committee: Truth crushed to the ground will rise again. Truth will be your kryptonite.”
Coke Can Clarence (who refused to recuse) and Mrs. Chunker Clarence (who supported Trump's coup attempt).
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