Senator Ted Cruz. (photo: Texas Observer)
The man, who was born in Calgary before drifting to Texas, has been spotted in Washington, D.C. in recent years exhibiting erratic behavior, sources said.
In 2013, he gained entry to the United States Senate and was heard quoting incoherently from a children’s book before he was finally subdued.
More recently, he was heard ranting about a plan to dismantle large components of the federal government, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the nation’s health-care program.
Despite a record of such bizarre episodes and unhinged utterances, observers expressed little concern about his plans to get into the White House, calling them “delusional.”
Neither was I, and I always assumed that meant I was disqualified at birth. But it turns out that the First Congress passed a law extending eligibility for the presidency to people born to U.S. citizens living abroad, which would cover my situation (and more importantly, Sen. McCain's, military base or no).
As for President Obama, nothing will ever convince birthers that he's legally president. A lot of them think he isn't even a U.S. citizen, let alone a native-born one. How they imagine the Hillary Clinton campaign, the McCain campaign, and, four years later, Romney's people, could all have missed this if it were actually true, they don't say.