01 March 15
People of Israel: You should know that the new-found
alliance between your Prime Minister and our Republican Party, the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and some wealthy right-wing
Jews here (such as billionaire Sheldon Adelson), is poisoning the
relationship between Israel and the United States. Netanyahu’s decision
to address Congress on Tuesday to argue against a nuclear deal with Iran
that’s one of the President’s highest priorities, and also to speak to
Aipac – just two weeks before your own national elections – foists your
own domestic politics onto ours. As such, it is having a polarizing
effect here in the United States, pushing many Americans to side against
Israel, and thereby posing a long-term threat to Israel’s security.
Meanwhile, many American Jews who have refrained from speaking out
against the right-wing radicalism that has taken hold in Israel – a
radicalism that rejects a “two-state solution” and continues to build
new settlements on the West Bank, and which we believe imperils the
future of Israel - are now feeling emboldened to do so. Aipac does not
speak for us. House Republicans do not speak for us. Billionaires do not
speak for us. We have been silent for too long.
2015-03-01 20:14
Bravo Zulu Mr. Reich!
I am not anti Jew, Anti Israeli, or anti Semite in any way, shape or
form. I am a 77 year old retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer and have
served with many people of the Jewish Faith who were and still are
wonderful people, and shipmates.
I am not of the right wing, but a liberal/progres sive and I also am a dual national having both US and French Nationalities.
I also have a stronger feeling for my French Nationality than I do for my US one, and that is to to the Humanitarian aspects of France over that of the United States.
I also would like to see the Israeli's and the Palestinians both having their own countries and allowing all peoples who live in their countries to have equal rights.
Keep up the good work, I will back you completely in your endeavors.
I am not of the right wing, but a liberal/progres sive and I also am a dual national having both US and French Nationalities.
I also have a stronger feeling for my French Nationality than I do for my US one, and that is to to the Humanitarian aspects of France over that of the United States.
I also would like to see the Israeli's and the Palestinians both having their own countries and allowing all peoples who live in their countries to have equal rights.
Keep up the good work, I will back you completely in your endeavors.
2015-03-01 21:23
Oh, no, never let a
crisis go to waste. Israel is still more supportive of Netty nut cake
than anyone else. Israel is ripening, though not yet ripe, for the
sobriety check it needs for its own survival. When Israel lets Netty nit
picker disrupt US foreign policy, the disaster will have a very long
tail, starting with a promised reduced trust between the US and Israel.
With any luck, this will also mean less US welfare dollars for Israeli
genocidal policies and practices against the Palestinians.
Please, let the nutty nit picking crank bring on the needed reality/sobriet y check for the state of Israel.
Please, let the nutty nit picking crank bring on the needed reality/sobriet y check for the state of Israel.
2015-03-01 22:54
I agree completely.
There are Israeli newspapers (online & print) that would surely post
your comments. Please send it to them.
2015-03-01 23:31
Funny-much as I like
Robert R he mentions nothing about the illegal occupation of Palestine
and the brutal treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis, much as he
glosses over the real problem with our economy: capitalism.
Two elephants in the same living room.
Two elephants in the same living room.
2015-03-02 00:23
If you have read
other pieces by RR...you would have seen that he targets capitalism
frequently. He also alludes to the 2 state solution in the Middle East,
not evading the issue. He states that AIPAC does not speak for all Jews.
I don't think there's an elephant left in the room. Check it again.
2015-03-02 09:55
Unfortunately there
is an elephant in the room--the republican party. Its brain, to the
extent it has one, is miniscule, it wanders around aimlessly running
things over with no plan or ability to fix them up, and takes up a lot
of space.
2015-03-01 23:50
Right on! A lot of
Americans who strongly supported Israel's creation in their youth are
now, in their senior years, greatly concerned to see Israel continuing
to take steps which ensure that their conflict with their neighbors will
not be reduced, but will instead build to a breaking point which will
threaten their very existence. A viable two-state solution with
Palestine is essential, as is an accommodation with Iran which
guarantees Israel's safety without denying Iran a right to reasonable
nuclear development. Israel cannot exist forever living in a hostile
environment, their current steps are adding to and ensuring its
2015-03-02 08:52
In my opinion a two
state solution is no longer possible unless Israel abandons most of its
illegal settlements, or Palestinians settle for scattered plots of land
walled in amid Jewish-only settlements and roads. Don't see either of
those things happening, do you?
2015-03-02 10:40
I think a two-state
solution is impossible unless there is an effort to reduce population
pressures. Right now Israel and the Palestinian territories have three
million more people than New Jersey, a state which is about the same
area and our most densely populated. We should offer immigration to both
I doubt many Palestinians or Israelis would want to immigrate, so I think a two-state solution has become impossible.
I doubt many Palestinians or Israelis would want to immigrate, so I think a two-state solution has become impossible.
2015-03-02 16:18
Quoting kath:
Israel has to give up the settlements. Voluntarily or under threat of losing all it's US and international aid.In my opinion a two state solution is no longer possible unless Israel abandons most of its illegal settlements, or Palestinians settle for scattered plots of land walled in amid Jewish-only settlements and roads. Don't see either of those things happening, do you?
2015-03-02 01:29
Thank you, and may
your courage encourage others to speak their truths also. Having taught
at Brandeis , I know that there are scores of faculty , staff and
administrators there who agree with Proff Reich on these points! They
have been intimidated over the years into private only conversations but
Now it is time to tell the truth. Until the American Jewish community
looks deeply and honestly into their hearts as he has done and goes
public with a moderate peaceful vision, there is little hope . Fear has
never won out in the end. The young David's first big win was over the
fear that Goliath visited on all Israelis.