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Monday, March 18, 2013

Payson Council’s golf course decision irresponsible, dishonest, elitist

By Jim Keyworth
Gazette Blog Editor

The decision last week by the Payson Town Council to move ahead with its plan to sell water from the Blue Ridge Reservoir to Chaparral Pines golf course defies comprehension.

We’ve said it before, but here are the highlights of our reasoning:

This is the Southwest.  Nobody who cares about the survival of future generations would be irresponsible enough to sell precious potable water – and, yes, water from Blue Ridge is potable even if you bypass the treatment plant and pretend it’s not – to dump on a golf course.

To guarantee said water supply to the Chaparral Pines golf course for 49 years in the middle of a drought compounds the council's irresponsibility.

To claim, as Payson Mayor Kenny Evans has done, that said water will be pumped back out of the ground and resold – a win-win according to Councilor Ed Blair – assumes a level of gullibility on the part of Rim Country residents that is downright insulting.

Finally, if the Payson Town Council must dump precious water on a golf course, the least it could do is dump it on a public course accessible to all – not on a private course in a gated community.

Postscript: And don’t forget the culpability of your Payson Roundup.  To report this story without questioning the logic and motives behind the council's decision is plain and simple bad journalism.

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