(illustration: Shutterstock)
Silver plans cover approximately 70 percent of enrollees’ health expenses on average.
The results are significant because in 2014, sixty-five percent of enrollees signed up for a silver-level policy, and the coverage is “generally the least expensive option someone without employer-based coverage can choose to satisfy the ACA’s requirement to have insurance or pay a penalty,” according to the report.
“[A]cross the 15 cities we examined, the premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan in the marketplaces – before taking any income-related tax credits into account – is decreasing by an average of -0.8%,” authors Cynthia Cox, Larry Levitt, Gary Claxton, Rosa Ma, Robin Duddy-Tenbrunsel conclude. This finding cut against predictions of double or triple digit increases by Republican lawmakers eager to tear down the law.
The authors attribute the premium decreases to
stronger competitive forces in the exchange marketplaces — more insurers
choosing to offer health care coverage — and the expectation that
healthier beneficiaries will enroll in 2015. However, health care
premiums will vary across the country — and across the nation’s 500
rating areas — meaning that some customers could experience increases.
One analysis of available data from PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts an
average increase of 8.2 percent in 29 states and Washington D.C.
The report comes in the wake of a Congressional Budget Office analysis from April, which found that premiums for Obamacare coverage are lower than the federal government had anticipated. As a result, the office estimated that that the law will cost the government $5 billion less than projected in 2014 and $104 billion less for the 2015-2024 period. The cost could decrease even further in 2015, since the law’s tax credits are tied to the second-lowest-cost silver plans.
The second enrollment period begins on Nov. 15. The CBO projects that 13 million people will sign up for coverage.
The report comes in the wake of a Congressional Budget Office analysis from April, which found that premiums for Obamacare coverage are lower than the federal government had anticipated. As a result, the office estimated that that the law will cost the government $5 billion less than projected in 2014 and $104 billion less for the 2015-2024 period. The cost could decrease even further in 2015, since the law’s tax credits are tied to the second-lowest-cost silver plans.
The second enrollment period begins on Nov. 15. The CBO projects that 13 million people will sign up for coverage.
Ive done the whole ACA thing .Please stop trying to justify the failure.Its nothing more than a glorified middleman.Will either be squashed when the party with a brain gets in the W.H. and senate or will look about like medicare/medicaid programs, nothin more.
I believe most of us see your party as the party of the privileged, of big oil and bigger corporations, of restricting voter rights, of keeping women down and dumb (by limiting what they get paid and what they do with their own bodies). If that's what you call the party with a brain, you need a reality check - and maybe, just maybe, the mid-term election will give you that. And I love the idea of bringing Mitt Romney back for another butt-whuppin' in 2016. Dream on, my friend. The demographics are a-changin'.
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