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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

RANT & RAVE: December 23, 2009

Editor’s note: Each week we print a selection of anonymous rants and raves submitted by our readers. Keep them under 150 words, free of profanity and personal attacks, and have at it. You need not sign your submission, which you may e-mail to or mail to Gazette Editor, 7736 N. Toya Vista Road, Payson, AZ 85541. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Gazette staff.

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NOW, the Roundup even criticizes the hunters caught by the heavy storm that hit us recently. Their “view”: the hunters headed out in “defiance” of forecasts (we know are ALWAYS correct), “perhaps selfish” as they knew that if they got in a jam someone would come looking, and they should have worried about their rescuers instead of themselves? These people are really out of touch, and are in the same class as the anti-hunter/tree hugger/out of state environmentalists who try to control everything we do. They have also most likely never hunted in their lives, and have no idea of the preparation that goes into these hunts if and when you are ever drawn. Most if not all take gear and provisions to protect and sustain themselves, but when that much comes that fast, you just cannot move to get out of camp, unless you happen to have snowshoes. I’ve waited out a storm on the Kaibab in a late hunt, and then took a day to get out rather than leave my trailer, gear, and game. I am so tired of the Roundup’s “better than thou-judgmental-inaccurate” information that I have not renewed my subscription and only read (it) when it is available for free. They are not, were not, and never will be in the class that the Gazette was. I even get my ads now from the Republic, which has its own issues. Thanks Jim, for all your honesty and the Marcy notes, as she was definitely an Angel!! Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Did you notice how (Payson Town Councilor) Mike Vogel was not able to recite one specific instance of poor values, poor judgment, or poor performance by Gary Bedsworth as a P&Z member? I wish more citizens would have watched that.
People have never been appointed to (Town of Payson) boards or whatever based on when they submit their paperwork. (Councilor) Mike (Vogel) is just giving out more BS just like he always does. Involvement in this town is at a low point with no hope of getting better with the current mayor.
Why do we allow outright false statements on this blog? Someone who wishes to incite a riot said that a "no" vote on home rule will decrease taxes. THAT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE!! Home rule is only who gets to set the limit of spending? Do you want the state to use an inappropriate formula which would only allow some $14-15 million to be spent when Payson realistically needs to spend some $26 million? Payson will take in from sales tax and other means about that much. We definitely need home rule. I'm sure the blogger has it confused with an "override" which will affect taxes.
Ed Blair
Payson Councilor
Four year college, my butt. (Payson Mayor Kenny) Evans and (Roundup Reporter Pete) Aleshire are perpetrating the biggest scam ever on this community. And why? So Kenny can get re-elected and Aleshire can wallow in his own BS. Show me the contract with ASU and stop the babbling.
I just read that Whispering Pines has formed a water improvement district. They want Brooke Utilities to "behave." What does that mean? And, much worse, they're working with Harry Jones seeking SRP water. Are you kidding me? Yeah, Jones was instrumental in Pine-Strawberry, all right? He almost spent us into bankruptcy, lined his own pockets, hocked the communities for more than $6M, got himself a great job, and took as much credit as possible. In the end, we community members got all the responsibility, debt, and disaster of a water system. Even the Arizona Corporation Commission can't believe the Pine Strawberry Water Improvement District (PSWID) wanted this system so badly - they just shake their heads. So, yeah, good luck with Jones. He and has band of renown will suck every dollar out of the community they can in the interest of making Hardcastle "behave." He just got nearly $4M from PSWID. How are less than 200 customers going to possibly compete with that?
American Capitalist Wasteful Christmas. Let's put up a bunch of silly lights and run up our electricity bills, cut down a bunch of tress and throw them away, eat too much, drink too much and charge a bunch of shit nobody needs. All in the name of "The Son of God." Nothing makes sense anymore.
Hey modest Christians: make sure (before you fatten yourselves at the Christmas dinner table) to say “grace.” Make sure that you thank God for the fact that you have enough money to vote for Republicans, buy a dead tree so that you can throw it away, piddle away money (and electricity) on turning your houses into little sparkly circuses of gluttony and drive big gas guzzling four wheel drive trucks (that you don’t need). Sure glad Jesus has your back!
What a great Christmas present we are about to receive from President Obama and the Democratic Congress – health care reform. Finally, some politicians actually did something for the people. Republicans, stop whining and get with the program. You’re nothing but a bunch of fat cats out to protect the insurance industry that supports your campaigns. And John McCain, how disgraceful. You said you would work with President Obama for the good of the country – and the people. You say the system is broken, and now we know who broke it – Republicans like you. Thirty million of us will now have health insurance. I repeat: What a great Christmas present.


All American said...

Don't count your little non-working welfare chickens just yet. You call this a Christmas present?? Ha ha. What you and the rest of your non-tax paying cry baby friends don't get is this, all the shady deals and last minute bribery BEHIND CLOSED DOORS will never see light of day! All of those crooked & treasonable scumbags that voted for your health reform will be voted out come their first time up for re-election. You can bank on it. Try getting a job instead milking the system. Quit smoking and use that $200 a month and see a shrink. Start out day before noon
and don't start drinking until lets say? 5:00 PM. Just because you were born here in America does not mean you were entitled to anything like free health care or free food. Just ask poor little Teddy who is always crying about not getting insurance until now. But ask him how he likes having $600 Billion taken out of his precious Medicare to help fund Obama Care!!!

J. Kirk

All American

Cowboytoo said...

The "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" deals were all made with recalcitrant Republicans who saw a way of cashing in if they changed their vote. Check it out.

As for Teddy, perhaps you didn't hear. He died a while back. It was in The Roundup, I'm pretty sure.

All American said...

I was not talking about that Teddy Cowboy, another local Teddy wrote some time back about getting his precious Medicare and how his wife would soon get hers too with Obama Care on the way.

Now Cowboy take it easy on me ok. Please do not use such big words like recalcitrant, I had to look it up. I'm just a simple independent conservative man retired from the Navy. I can't hold a candle to your vocabulary, but I can and will say what I believe to be correct.

What about his promise to discuss Health Care Reform in the open and on t v ?

Man are you ever fixated on the Roundup. Let it go man. People who obviously disagree with you support that paper over your choice. Just breath and it will be alright. You're President promises that. And just for fun try watching a news channel that doesn't bend over and kiss his back side any given moment.