Aldous J. Pennyfarthing
While it’s always been glaringly obvious that Donald Trump is a fake populist and fake Christian, it’s still nice when Republicans—especially those who worked in his administration—come forward to confirm it. Somehow, Trump’s rabid evangelical supporters have still failed to pick up on the fact that Trump mispronounces the books of Bible (almost as if he’s never read the thing), claims he’s never done anything that would require God’s forgiveness, and once asked an adult film star to spank him with a copy of Forbes—instead of, say, Aquinas’ “Summa Theologica,” as any real Christian would surely do.
And his tired “man of the people” shtick was always a bit hard to swallow, given that the one major piece of economic legislation he signed as pr*sident was a tax law that primarily enriched him and his wealthy friends. (And, of course, to keep the grift going, he lied to his supporters’ faces about who would benefit.)
RELATED STORY: Trump's comically absurd revisionism on the economy
So it was particularly refreshing when Olivia Troye—who worked for former Vice President Mike Pence as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force before resigning in protest of Trump’s unholy monkey fuck of a COVID strategy—recently appeared on “The View” to defend her former boss and point out that Trump isn’t particularly respectful of his own voters. And why would he be? They’re sentient, flesh-and-blood humans not named Donald Trump.
Asked why so many people still have a blind loyalty to Trump despite, well, everything, Troye revealed that Trump actually has nothing but contempt for the millions of gullible marks he pretends to love like his own daughter. (Well, maybe not like his own daughter. That would be weird. Though it would make for one of the most entertaining Penthouse Forum and/or Farmers’ Almanac letters ever.)
TROYE: “Well, I think it speaks to an unfortunate state of the Republican Party. It’s certainly not the party that I want it to be, and it’s not the party that I believe that it has been in the past. I think he has done a great job of sort of marketing himself as the champion for all of these people who are behind him in this movement. But we’ve sat in these meetings. What is so frustrating and angering to me is the fact that he has nothing in common with any of his supporters. And I detest the way he speaks about them. Like, when he would talk about them in meetings, it was so disparaging to them. And I think about my own family members who, by the way, are very unhappy with me. I’ve got a lot of family members who are still Trump supporters. They are very upset that I am a Trump critic. I think about them, and I’m like, I hate the way you speak about them sometimes behind closed doors.”
That’s fun to hear, right? If only she’d provided more details. Can you give us some examples, Olivia? Or at least tell us what percentage of these comments involved the reshoring of America’s long-shuttered Soylent Green factories?
Ah, but Trump isn’t just a phony man of the people. He’s a phony religious fanatic, too.
JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST: “He’s been going after your boss. He goes after Mike Pence since the insurrection when, according to testimony from former White House aides, Trump said he deserved the ‘Hang Mike Pence’ chants. Now you know both of them very well, and poor Mike Pence is polling at 5%. I mean, that’s a sort of a sad number. So why doesn’t he just take Trump on, because he’s not going to win if he just stays neutral or stays away from it.”
TROYE: “I wish he would, honestly. I have been wanting him to take Trump on from day one, especially on Jan. 7 of 2021. I wanted him to be out there saying this is everything that we’ve lived. You know, I have tremendous respect for former Vice President Mike Pence still. I worked very closely with him. He and Trump could not be any more different. They are very different people. I can tell you that while Mike Pence gets a lot of criticism, I know he’s got some more very conservative views on certain issues, he really believes his faith, and I think that’s what guides him. … He’s got some more very conservative views, especially, you know, women’s rights. I wish he would move … to the middle. But I do believe that he is a man of faith, and I think he does follow his faith, whereas I can’t figure out what faith Trump actually subscribes to, if there is any ...”
BEHAR: “The almighty dollar is what he worships.”
TROYE: “Valid point, valid point. It’s all about the grift.”
Well, yes. Trump and Pence are different people. If they were the same person, there’d have been no need to graft Pence to Trump’s rectum for four years until the anti-rejection drugs wore off. But she respects this motherfucker? Really? Casper the Friendly Milquetoast? For four years, the only difference between Mike Pence and a tetherball was that tetherballs are typically more of an off-white.
Okay, so while she deserves credit for pointing out the obvious, she still likes Pence. That said, she has harsh words for some of the other top GOP jabronis. Troye also weighed in on the current GOP speaker battle and Jim Jordan’s prospects for unifying the party: “I think putting a cat in charge would be more unifying than Jim Jordan, to be honest. And that’s saying a lot, because I’m allergic to cats.”
While it’s easy to pile on former Trump administration officials for speaking out—or writing books—after it was too late to do anything about Trump’s well-documented, um, “eccentricities,” Troye deserves credit for bailing before the 2020 election and actively working to get Joe Biden elected.
For that, she can be forgiven for “respecting” Mike Pence. I guess. Maybe. We’ll see.
A blast from the past - back when Mike Pence was Trump's loyal VP. And he still denies evolution.
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