Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s chance of winning the Republican nomination for president is next to nil. That being said, Christie is doing the one thing every single candidate facing Donald Trump should be doing: going directly after him. It isn’t hard to attack Trump when every known fact is on your side. And Christie, to his credit, has employed a simple, Trump-is-factually-a-criminal series of attacks on the disgraced former president.
Yesterday, that goaded Trump into calling Christie a “fat pig.” The thing is, Christie is just as much of a bully and was happy to turn the insult into a debate challenge. He took to Twitter to tell Trump, “If you had the guts you would show up to the debate and say it to my face.” It really says all you need to know about Trump’s character when Christie comes out like some kind of saint in favor of law and justice in this battle.
But that wasn’t Christie’s only attack on Trump.
He’s been more than willing to employ some rhetorical mud-slinging, calling Trump names like “loser” and describing him as a “coward.” And did I mention he keeps calling Trump a “loser”? And at a Tuesday town hall event in the Granite State, he chose to condescend to Trump in another way, pointing out that Trump has not denied he did all of the things he’s been indicted for doing, and seems to have come up with a defense that consists of crying, “Nobody has been picked on more than me” and “Poor me.” Christie ended his dismissal of Trump with a sarcastic dig at “our poor New York City billionaire. So picked on.”
This doesn’t negate the fact that Christie is a corrupt former governor and a terrible person himself. But it’s clear Trump has heard that Christie is willing to send some arrows his way, which is why at a New Hampshire campaign stop on Tuesday, the twice-impeached, thrice-indicted former president dug deep into his bag of trash in order to insult his former ally.
RELATED STORY: Christie unleashes on Trump: 'Loser, loser, loser'
While Trump was improvising and riffing off of the heckling crowd, he remarked “No, Chris Christie, he’s eating. He can’t be bothered.” This elicited the reaction he wanted. Trump followed that up by employing a childish trick, one he has performed before.
Pointing to someone in the audience, Trump said, “Sir, please do not call him a ‘fat pig,’ that’s very disre…don’t call him. See I’m trying to be nice, don’t call him a ‘fat pig.’”
And the winner for "More Crappier" is...THE DONALD! If Christie is a "fat pig," the Donald is at least a "fat weasel."
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