A Lack of Understanding
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
Based on multiple comments from Republican politicians after the latest school shooting, we have what appears to be an intractable problem in our country.
A failure to 'understand' that no right is absolute.
Freedom of speech doesn't allow one to threaten to kill the President; freedom of religion doesn't permit the sacrificing of virgins during the spring equinox; and one does not have the right (yet) to walk into Walmart, dressed in a cosplay army-man costume, carrying an automatic weapon and a bandolier of grenades.
All of our rights are balanced by common sense and responsibility to society in general.
This was clearly understood by the folks who originally composed and ratified those rights.
So where does this idea - that there should be no oversight or regulation whatsoever regarding the right to bear arms - come from?
It's really an absurd notion if you think about it. I mean, it's not only common sense, but it's right there in the amendment itself: "...a well regulated militia".
Saw a cartoon today (above) with some of the Founding Fathers looking over a draft Bill of Rights, with one saying... "What if our 'well regulated militia' decides to slaughter school children?" And the response... "Don't be ridiculous".
Yea. Let's not be ridiculous.
The 2nd was never intended to be an unconditional right, free from societal responsibility and regulation. The majority of gun owners understand this. They understand the difference between a right to bear arms, responsibly, and having a disturbed individual being able to buy 6-7 assault style weapons and a thousand rounds of ammo with less scrutiny than if they were buying a pack of cigarettes or a beer.
So why do so many Republican politicians not understand this?
Something else I read today... every time one of these mass shootings takes place, gun and ammo sales rise dramatically.
The [50+ billion dollar] firearms industry understands this, as does their political front group and lobbying firm the NRA. Whenever multiple children are slaughtered in one of these assault weapon attacks, their profits go up, giving them even more money to buy more politicians and political clout. And thus the flow of cash into the [primarily] Republican coffers increases.
A bit harsh and impugning?
Yes, I do dare to.
Because I understand how money works, and how easily 'decent' people (let alone the 'indecent' ones) can be compromised by it.
That's why we're seeing so many politicians today saying that nothing - other than the lazy and vacuous 'thoughts and prayers' refrain - can be done.
I have learned through my years that if something doesn't appear to make sense, it's either drugs or money.
In this case, I'm pretty sure it's money.
To paraphrase Sinclair: 'It is difficult to get a
politician to understand something when their political contributions
depend upon them not understanding it'.
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