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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Gabe Sherman: "This Is Spiraling Out of Control." Some More Stories About Trump's Condition.

"A positive Covid test?  Let's just sit on that for 48 hours." - President Trump

Let’s go to Gabe Sherman of Vanity Fair for more behind the scenes of  Trump’s “valiant” fight with COVID-19:


Do tell…

The White House’s shifting chronology and lack of transparency are being driven, in part, by Trump’s desire to conceal the seriousness of his illness from the public. Three sources said Trump argued with his doctors on Friday after they told him he needed to be moved to Walter Reed. “He didn’t want to go to the hospital a month before the election,” a Republican close to Trump told me. Two sources said doctors gave Trump an ultimatum: he could go to the hospital while he could still walk, or doctors would be forced to take him in a wheelchair or on a stretcher at a later point if his health deteriorated. “They told him, ‘You can go now or we’re taking you later and it’s non negotiable,’” a second source close to the White House said. Trump waited to leave for the hospital until the stock market closed on Friday, a source said.

Appearances.  Got to keep up appearances.  Looks bad if The Orange Incredible Trump turns into his weak alter ego before everyone’s eyes.  And it does verify what even that usual tool Brian Williams speculated before Trump went on Marine Oen.  We don’t want to spook the Markets.

After spending months denying the dangers of COVID-19, Trump is expressing an emotion aides have rarely seen: fear. On Friday, Trump grew visibly anxious as his fever spiked to 103 fahrenheit and he was administered oxygen at the White House, according to three Republicans close to the White House. Two sources told me Trump experienced heart palpitations on Friday night—possible side effects of the experimental antibody treatment he received. Trump has wondered aloud if he could defeat the disease. “Am I going out like Stan Chera?” Trump has asked aides, referring to his friend, New York real-estate developer Stan Chera, who died of COVID in April.

Emboldened and underlined is my doing.  I wanted to highlight that the “mild” symptoms included a 103 degree fever is all.  Last time I checked, one hundred and four degrees is considered extremely dangerous and a good sign of “You are going to die if we don’t get your temp down.”  And yeah, nice to confirm that Trump had to go on oxygen, despite the BS the doctors spewed today.

And I am sure most of have seen that quote about Stan Chera.  

Now, Sherman goes on to talk about Mark Meadows.  And like most, I am mystified that Meadows would go out and leak that Trump is in a lot of trouble.  And yes, we now have another video of Trump behind a desk saying, “Nothing to see here.”  But Meadows is saying that if Trump is not out of the hospital by Tuesday, he’s fucked.

The Occam’s Razor explanation for Meadows leaking is this from former Speaker of the House John Boehner back in 2017:

On Freedom Caucus co-founder Rep. Mark Meadows:

“He’s an idiot. I can’t tell you what makes him tick.”

As for the rest of the happy gang in the White House and Trump’s campaign:

Inside Trumpworld, the shock of Trump’s hospitalization is giving way to despair about his prospects in the upcoming election. “They all know it’s over,” a Republican close to the campaign said. “This is spiraling out of control,” a former West Wing official said.

I thought only we Democrats panicked.  Nice to see the brain trust behind Trump is feeling like I have when one of my favorite candidates has gone down in flames.  The candidate and his/her staff are all smiles for the camera and asking their supporters for more donations, but all the while they are really spending most of their time in the john bemoaning that they will have to get their resumes updated to look for another gig soon.

Only difference is that some of those assholes may face actual death from COVID-19.  What a career ender!

But Donald, you said it was just like getting the flu.


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