27 April 19
The mistake in assuming Democrats would finally have the power to impose oversight was thinking their authority would be recognized by the White House.

For the first two years of the Trump presidency, with
Republicans in control of two branches of government, any hope of
congressional oversight rested in the disinterested hands of then-House
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
(R-KY). Democrats in the minority lacked any authority to hold hearings
or issue subpoenas, or enough votes pass legislation to place checks on
the White House.
When Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House last
November, many victorious candidates promised they would put a swift end
to what author and historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. famously dubbed the
imperial presidency — that is, an administration that willfully
detaches itself from any system of checks and balances.
Kevin Kruse, a history professor at Princeton
University and outspoken critic of the current administration, was
equally optimistic. “With Democrats now in control of the House of
Representatives and the Mueller investigation seemingly coming to a
conclusion as well, Mr. Trump will likely be held to account, in one
form or another,” he and a colleague, historian Julian Zelizer, wrote in
an op-ed for The New York Times.
“But it’s important to remember that the ‘imperial presidency’ will
outlive any one president unless more is done to institute real checks
and balances on the office itself.”
Three months later, with the special counsel Robert
Mueller’s report finally public and Democrats sitting atop powerful
congressional committees, one thing is clear: the imperial presidency
might be even harder to dismantle than many feared.
As it turns out, the mistake in assuming that
Democratic lawmakers would finally have the power they needed to do
their jobs was thinking their authority would be recognized by the White
Earlier this month, House Ways and Means Chairman
Richard Neal (D-MA) formally requested the IRS turn over the past five
years of Trump’s tax returns, long sought-after documents Trump has
repeatedly refused to disclose himself. Federal law is unambiguous:
Congress has the absolute right to request the tax returns of a sitting
Under normal circumstances, that would be the end of
the story: the IRS complies, Democrats and the American people have an
opportunity to finally see the extent to which Trump and his family are
financially linked — or perhaps even indebted — to foreign investors,
and oversight is finally achieved.
Instead, the White House has refused to comply. Chief
of staff Mick Mulvaney told reporters the public would “never” see
Trump’s tax returns, and this week Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
told Congress his department needed more time to assess the “lawfulness”
of their request. It’s the second time he’s missed a deadline imposed
by Congress.
The White House has similarly refused to comply with
requests by Congress to allow administration officials to testify, and
are now in open defiance of at least one subpoena, issued to former
personnel security director Carl Kline to provide answers regarding
senior presidential adviser Jared Kushner’s questionably obtained
security clearance. The White House instructed Kline, who now works at
the Defense Department, not to comply.
The White House has also telegraphed its intention to
defy another subpoena, this one issued to former White House counsel
Donald McGahn, whose name appears frequently in the Mueller report.
In an administration defined by scandal and lawlessness, Kruse has watched the last few weeks unfold with particular alarm.
“The refusal to turn over documents that have been
subpoenaed, the refusal to appear before Congress, lawful congressional
orders they’re just going to balk at — this is a real crisis moment for
our constitutional system,” Kruse told ThinkProgress this week.
It is an unprecedented one, as well. Even at the
height of administrative corruption during the darkest days of
Watergate, the Nixon White House felt compelled to obey congressional
oversight thanks in part to Republican lawmakers who put their
constitutional duty above party loyalty. When officials in the Nixon
White House were reportedly considering ignoring subpoenas, Congress
threatened to hold them in contempt and have them arrested.
Similar threats have begun to surface out of this
Congress as well, at least among Democrats. House Oversight Chairman
Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who issued the subpoena to Kline, said this week
that he plans to schedule a vote to hold Kline in contempt, further
escalating tension between Congress and the White House.
So alarming is the White House’s cavalier approach to congressional authority that even some of its staunchest Republican allies on Capitol Hill are beginning to apply pressure on behalf of the legislative branch.
So alarming is the White House’s cavalier approach to congressional authority that even some of its staunchest Republican allies on Capitol Hill are beginning to apply pressure on behalf of the legislative branch.
On Friday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking
Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, sent a letter to
the White House urging officials to allow Kline to appear before the
committee, in accordance with the subpoena issued by Congress. Even so,
Republicans — Jordan included — have opposed any effort to hold hearings
into the findings of the Mueller report, which detailed no fewer than
10 instances of possible obstruction of justice involving Trump.
Whether or not other Republicans recognize the serious
jeopardy in which they are placing the nation’s foundational system of
checks and balances by capitulating to the whims of the White House is
the central question.
“If Congress and the courts refuse to apply any
oversight, all that is going to do is encourage [the White House] to
continue this behavior,” Kruse said.
“Much of our system has worked on the assumption that people don’t want to violate the norm,” he added.
In this White House, where nothing is normal, there is no way to assume.
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