16 June 16
"They don't report them," Trump said in a CNN
interview on Monday, in the wake of the mass shooting at an Orlando
nightclub of 49 people by an American Muslim who claimed allegiance to
Islamic State. "For some reason, the Muslim community does not report
people like this."
But FBI director James Comey said, "They do not want
people committing violence, either in their community or in the name of
their faith, and so some of our most productive relationships are with
people who see things and tell us things who happen to be Muslim.
“It’s at the heart of the FBI’s effectiveness to have
good relationships with these folks,” Comey said at a press conference
following the Orlando shootings.
Andrew Ames, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's Washington field office, told Reuters on Wednesday that
the agency has a “robust” relationship with the local Muslim community.
FBI agents operating in the area have received reports about suspicious
activity and other issues from community members.
Michael Downing, deputy chief of the Los Angeles
Police Department and head of its Counterterrorism and Special
Operations Bureau, said the city's Muslim community has been cooperative
in reporting "red flags."
“I personally have been called by community members
about several things, very significant things,” Downing told Reuters.
“What we say to communities is that we don’t want you to profile humans,
we want you to profile behavior.”
Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who has conducted several studies on
Muslim-Americans and terrorism, disputed Trump's criticism.
“To claim there is no cooperation is false and defamatory to the Muslim-American community,“ Kurzman said.
Kurzman said a January 2016 study by himself and
colleagues at Duke University’s Triangle Center on Terrorism and
Homeland Security found that many law enforcement agencies had made
progress in establishing trust with local Muslim-American communities.
But the study also found some tensions. In one focus
group described in the study, Muslim-American participants debated when
to report activity when they were unsure how to detect imminent
“The group participants expressed concern that police
would be more likely to encourage a plot in order to make an arrest,"
the authors wrote, "rather than to divert people onto a nonviolent path
that community members and family members would prefer.”
One imam interviewed for the project told researchers
he felt that his “trust is not being reciprocated” by U.S. government
The imam told the researchers that after he attended a
meeting with federal law enforcement officials designed to increase
cooperation, he went to the local airport, was held for hours at
security and missed his flight, the study said.
A Reuters review of court records also produced
examples of Muslim-Americans informing law enforcement of possible
radicalization within their families.
Suspecting that her then 17-year-old son, Ali Amin,
was radicalizing, Amani Ibrahim followed the advice of a local imam and
reported her fears to law enforcement officials, according to court
records. In August 2015, Amin was sentenced to 11 years in prison for
conspiring to provide material support to Islamic State after he helped a
schoolmate travel to join the extremist group.
In 2014, the sister of Abdi Nur contacted Minneapolis
police to report her younger brother missing. She later showed federal
agents messages she received, in which he said he had “gone to join the
brothers” and promised to see her in the afterlife. Nur has been charged
with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist
group, but is still at large.
And in 2014, Adam Shafi’s father, Sal Shafi, told
officials in the U.S. embassy in Cairo that he was worried his son was
radicalizing after Adam went missing during a family trip in Egypt.
Adam Shafi soon rejoined his family, but was arrested
in July 2015 after trying to board a flight to Turkey from San Francisco
airport. He was charged with attempting to provide material support to
al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda linked group in Syria.
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