Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally. (photo: Charlie Leight/Getty Images)
17 May 16
A decades-long pattern of racist appeals has left the Republican Party with no one but the racists
Of course, Republicans and conservatives find these
twin facts offensive and unbelievable. They hold onto their founding
myth of Lincoln and “Great Emancipator” while simultaneously being
dependent on voters from the former Confederacy for power—states that
still fly and honor the American swastika, a rebel flag of treason and
anti-black hatred.
Despite their protests, the evidence is overwhelming.
The ascendance of Donald Trump and his coronation as
the presumed 2016 Republican presidential candidate is the logical
outcome of a several decades-long pattern of racism, nativism, and
bigotry by the American right-wing and its news entertainment
disinformation machine.
For example, in response to the triumphs of the black
freedom struggle and the civil rights movement, the Republican Party has
relied on the much discussed “Southern Strategy.” Lee Atwater, master
Republican strategist and mentor to Karl Rove explained this approach
You start out in 1954 by saying, “N****r, n****r, n****r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n****r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N****r, n****r.”
Ronald Reagan and other Republican elites would
leverage Atwater’s approach to winning white voters and elections. To
point, Reagan began his 1980 presidential campaign in Philadelphia,
Mississippi, the locale where American civil rights freedom fighters
Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney were killed by white
racial terrorists. In that speech, Reagan signaled to the ghosts of Jim and Jane Crow and the neo-Confederacy by stating his support for “states’ rights.”
Reagan would continue to use overt and coded racial
appeals to gin up white support through his references to a “lazy,”
“violent” and “parasitic” class of black Americans who he described as
“welfare queens” and “strapping bucks.” George Bush would continue with
the Southern Strategy when he summoned up white racist stereotypes and
fears of “the black beast rapist” in the form of Willie Horton during
the 1988 presidential election.
The Age of Obama witnessed an explosion of anti-black racism by the Republican Party and conservatives en masse. Birtherism, the rise of the Tea Party,
the use of antebellum language (which was used to defend the Southern
slaveocracy) such as “secession” and “nullification”, both overt and
coded racist invective by Republican officials and news media, and a pattern of disrespect towards both the idea and literal personhood of Barack Obama
as the United States’ first black president has been the norm. This
deluge of anti-black animus towards Barack Obama does not exist in a
separate universe outside of American society: it has real impact on the
values and behavior of citizens.
To wit: in discussing his recent work on racial attitudes and political polarization, Professor Michael Tesler has noted how:
After at least two full decades of being unrelated to party identification, both old fashioned racism and anti-black affect have once again become significantly linked to white partisanship in the age of Obama…After at least two full decades of being unrelated to party identification, both old fashioned racism and anti-black affect have once again become significantly linked to white partisanship in the age of Obama.
In all, Barack Obama’s presidency has been so
disruptive to the white right-wing political imagination that it has
resurrected a type of overt racism which was thought to be largely
vanquished from American public life.
The intersection of white racism (“modern” and
“old-fashioned”), nativism, a sense of white victimhood, and grievance
mongering in the form of conspiracy theories and other unfounded beliefs
is evident in other ways as well.
Fifty-four percent of Republicans believe that Barack Obama is a “secret Muslim.” Forty-four percent also believe that Obama was not born in the United States. Forty-two percent of Republicans believe that Muslims should be banned from the United States. Sixty-four percent of Republicans believe that “racism” against white people is as big a problem as discrimination against black Americans.
In a recent survey by the Pew Research Center,
66 percent of Republican and Republican-inclined respondents want to
return to the “good old days.. This number is higher for Trump backers.
It is important to note that this era was one of Jim and Jane Crow
anti-black racism, legal sexism, and unapologetic discrimination against
gays and lesbians. This yearning for a return to a fictive golden age
of white male Christian domination over American social and political
life is reflected in other work that shows how white people are much
more pessimistic about their futures than Hispanics and
Donald Trump is not a political genius. He understands
what the Republican base yearns for and has been trained to
believe–like a sociopolitical version of Pavlov’s dog–by its leaders.
Trump says that Muslims should be banned from the
United States because Republican voters respond to such hatred and
Trump lies that undocumented Hispanic and Latino
immigrants are rapists and killers who want to attack white women
because Republican voters find such rhetoric compelling.
Trump uses social media to circulate white supremacist
talking points about “black crime” because modern conservatives
nurtured on “law and order” politics believe that African-Americans are
out of control “thugs” possessed of “bad culture” who live to prey on
innocent and vulnerable white people.
Trump talks about China “raping” the United States
because this arouses anger and fear of a new “yellow peril” where the
manhood and honor of (white) America is sacrificed to a “sneaky” and
“scheming” “Oriental” horde who twist their Fu Manchu mustaches and
seduce white women in opium dens while simultaneously negotiating
multibillion dollar trade deals.
And perhaps most damning, Donald Trump has been
endorsed by neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and the Ku Klux Klan: he has
been reluctant to publicly reject and denounce their support.
The corporate news media has aided and abetted
“Trumpmania” by normalizing his racist, nativist and bigoted behavior.
In response to Trump’s crucial win in last week’s Indiana primary,
Slate’s Isaac Chotiner skewered this failure of journalistic integrity
and responsibility among the TV news chattering class as:
On TV Tuesday night, there was hardly a whimper. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox contented themselves with bright chatter about Ted Cruz’s hurt feelings, about Donald Trump’s political skill, about the feckless, pathetic Republican establishment. None of the commentators I saw mentioned the import of what was happening. Large chunks of the media have spent so long domesticating Trump that his victory no longer appeared momentous. He is the new normal….There was little talk of ideology, or racism, or bigotry, or fascist appeals. Instead, the conversation was about process; Trump had been fit into the usual rhythms of an election season. The closest thing I heard to open-mouthed shock came from Rachel Maddow, who wondered, correctly, why out of 330 million people the Republican Party had chosen this particular reality-television star.
Elizabeth Bathory was a 16th century
Hungarian countess who killed hundreds of young virgin girls and then
bathed in their blood with the hope that it would maintain her beauty.
Since at least the end of the civil rights movement, the Republican
Party and movement conservatives have followed a similar “beauty”
regimen. Instead of the blood of female virgins, they have washed
themselves in racism and bigotry in order to buoy their political
Donald Trump decided to move this political ritual out
of the shadows and into the light of prime time television and the 24/7
news cycle. Trump, with his background in professional wrestling and
reality TV simply took what has always been implied by the American
Right-wing and made it obvious.
This move vanquished Trump’s Republican rivals.
The question now becomes, will Trump’s version of
Elizabeth Bathory be enough to defeat Hillary Clinton and win the White
House in November 2016?
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