Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
26 March 16
Trump and Cruz pretend to be opposed to the Republican
establishment, but when it comes to taxes they’re seeking exactly what
that Republican establishment wants.
Here are 5 things you need to know about their tax plans:
- Trump’s proposed cut would reduce the top tax rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent – creating a giant windfall for the wealthy (at a time when the wealthy have a larger portion of the nation’s wealth than any time since 1918). According to the Center for Tax Policy, the richest one tenth of one percent of taxpayers (those with incomes over $3.7 million) would get an average tax cut of more than $1.3 million each every year. Middle-income households would get an average tax cut of $2,700.
- The Cruz plan would abandon our century-old progressive income tax (whose rates increase as taxpayers’ incomes increase) and instead tax the amount people spend in a year and exclude income from investments. This sort of system would burden lower-income workers who spend almost everything they earn and have few if any investments.
- Cruz also proposes a 10 percent flat tax. A flat tax lowers tax rates on the rich and increases taxes for lower-income workers.
- The Republican plans also repeal estate and gift taxes – now paid almost entirely by the very wealthy who make big gifts to their heirs and leave them big estates.
- These plans would cut federal revenues by as much as $12 trillion over the decade – but neither Trump nor Cruz has said what they’ll do to fill this hole. They both want to increase the military. Which leaves them only two choices: Either explode the national debt, or cut Social Security, Medicare, and assistance to the poor.
Bottom line: If either of these men is elected
president, we could see the largest redistribution in American history
from the poor and middle-class of America to the rich. This is class
warfare with a vengeance.
2016-03-26 15:32
So what else is new?
By now we Dems all know the basic dogma of the Rep. Party: Cut upper
class taxes to almost nothing and take the difference out of the hides
of middle and lower class Americans i.e. the Sheriff of Nottingham
THEY KEEP US IN POWER. As always one wonders why the blockhead voters in
the Rep. Party still haven't figured it out.
2016-03-27 07:38
Not really. We
already know the big picture, and the details -- much less their
implications -- are explained in a way that confuses more than it
enlightens. If Professor Reich also wrote the mangled title
("either/and") he must have done the whole thing in his sleep! (On the
other hand, the title may have been written by the staff, or by Marc Ash
himself, all of whom are undoubtedly sleepless over the floundering
2016-03-26 22:54
So vote in your
primaries and caucuses for the democrat you prefer but be ready to
campaign for and vote for WHICHEVER democrat gets the nomination or this
prediction of a Cruz or Trump term will come true.
2016-03-27 09:10
Agreed - Dems cannot afford to let purity be the enemy of stopping these bastards.
As usual, Prof Reich boils down the economics to the bottom line. Let that motivate us to do what needs to be done, come November.
As usual, Prof Reich boils down the economics to the bottom line. Let that motivate us to do what needs to be done, come November.
2016-03-27 07:34
The GOP's so called
"Fair Tax" is their Holy Grail. People who insist there's no difference
between the two parties aren't acknowledging the facts. Quite a few red
states have eliminated the state income tax entirely, shifting more of
the tax burden to working people and the poor. There's a movement to
accomplish this at the federal level.
Of course our media is obsessed with Trump's sensationalism and Sanders' socialism, unconcerned about the extremism of the conservative agenda.
Of course our media is obsessed with Trump's sensationalism and Sanders' socialism, unconcerned about the extremism of the conservative agenda.
2016-03-27 09:08
Wanna see real 'class
warfare'? Elect either of these neoliberal reprobates, allow Congress
to pass those tax cuts, let the results bake a year or so and... Bingo!
Class Warfare. With luck left-wing, socialists will win; but by no means
2016-03-27 09:58
Class warfare already
is running, and since the Reagan administration, the oligarchs are
winning. The disappearance of the Middle Class, and the impoverishment
of the Working Class (manufacturing jobs going abroad and service jobs
not providing a living income) are the results of the economic policies
carried out by both republican and democratic administrations .